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Subject[BUG] Regression in 2fdac010 drivers/net/ethernet/via/via-velocity.c: update napi implementation
Hi Julia et al.,

With this commit VIA NANO board get CPU lockup in random places on any network activity.
The error is random, most of the times dead locked CPU on boot.

After loading via-velocity module it hangs for a while and then spits kernel mesages
about hanged tasks from varios places - like ata, rcu_preempt or network stack.
Also, if you boot the box with network disconnected - it works, until you plug the network cable.

On some kernel builds (like ubuntu stock) behaviour varies, sometimes the box itself works,
but network stack dies after multiple ICMPv6 skb errors, so box ends up with network disconnected.
Reloading network susbsys helps to recover for some time (depending on how fast eth led is blinking).

Reverting the patch allows me to boot without problems even from latest Linus trunk and send this mail.


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  Last update: 2013-09-30 09:41    [W:0.260 / U:0.012 seconds]
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