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Subjecttar.gz and tar.bz2 files of linux kernel on
Why there are two different (tar.gz and tar.bz2) kind of compressed 
linux kernel on ?

One kind of (.tar.bz2 or .tar.xz etc.) compressed file, probably, will
be enough for everybody. Personally, I always download the .tar.bz2 one
because of its shorter file length compared to .tar.gz. If it's needed
to have two different kind of compressed linux kernel because of some
extraordinary situations, maybe we have to consider other better options
like .tar.xz for instance. I did a quick comparison between .tar.bz2 and
tar.xz compressed linux-2.6.36. Here is what I found :

linux-a9un:/home/tarkane/Downloads # ls -alh linux-2.6.36.tar.*
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 68M Oct 21 09:14 linux-2.6.36.tar.bz2
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 59M Oct 28 09:54 linux-2.6.36.tar.xz
linux-a9un:/home/tarkane/Downloads #

As seen above, .tar.xz has better ratio (%13.24 smaller sized file than
.tar.bz2.) than the .tar.bz2 one. So,if it could be an, at least, an
option to offer .tar.xz compressed kernel, we could have the following
benefits :

- Better usage of's and downloaders' (Some people use
bandwidth limited Internet connections.) internet bandwidth.
- Better disk space usage on servers due to more smaller
file sizes.
- It will reduce the load on servers due to shorter
download times.

I will be happy to hear your opinions about it. :-)


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