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Subjectwhy do both kobjects and ksets have a "kobj_type" member?

what is the rationale for both the kobject structs and the kset
structs having a kobj_type? can those values possibly be different?
from kobject.h:

* kset - a set of kobjects of a specific type, belonging
* to a specific subsystem.
* All kobjects of a kset should be embedded in an identical
* type.

so that suggests that the types can't be *different* within a single
kset. furthermore, we have:

static inline struct kobj_type * get_ktype(struct kobject * k)
if (k->kset && k->kset->ktype)
return k->kset->ktype;
return k->ktype;

which seem to clearly show that the ktype of the kset overrides that
of the kobject, unless the kset *has* no ktype, or the kobject is not
even a member of a kset. are either of those situations possible?
just being inordinately curious.


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