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SubjectLCA 2007 Kernel Miniconf CFP (better late than never...)
The Kernel miniconference at LCA 20007 is finally being organised and
this is the call for participation:

The current schedule gives us 6 slots.

One slot is reserved for 5 minute lightning talks - this gives us 8
lightning talks, where people working on kernel project and give a
quick spiel on their current project. All these slots are currently
open, remember 5 mins is one-two slides, but it might be enough to give a
status update or drum up some interest.

Slot 4 has been reserved for a Suspend to RAM workshop, where people
can bring their laptops and we will have hopefully a few kernel
hackers on hand to investigate suspend/resume problems. We don't
promise anything, and we will have a few slides with pointers on how
to debug these issues.

I think Slot 5 should be reserved for a hacking session of some sort
but I'm open to ideas on what this could be, we could do a live hack
on some code or just get a bunch of kernel developers who are
interested to fix something.

The other 3 slots are currently open, and this is the call for presentations,
We'd like some presentations targetting kernel hacking, kernel
janitors, kernel newbies, and perhaps a using git to maintain a kernel
tree type of presentation. We'd rather avoid any papers that mention
Xen or that are being presented at the main conference.

I know this is late but I'm sure some of you nice kernel developers
that were a bit bored last year will relish the chance to talk to what
looks like a large interest group (it surprised me how many ppl are
interested in this stream..)

The CFP will close when I get a few ideas of what people are
submitting, and how interested people are, don't hang about, please
contact me ASAP, as time is running out..

So can anyone interested in doing a full slot presentation or a lightning
talk send me a short proposal at (airlied at, and I'll
discuss them with Matthew Wilcox the other half of the team...

Dave Airlie.
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