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SubjectRe: [PATCH drm-misc-next v8 11/12] drm/nouveau: implement new VM_BIND uAPI
On 7/25/23 18:43, Danilo Krummrich wrote:
> On 7/25/23 18:16, Faith Ekstrand wrote:
>> Thanks for the detailed write-up! That would definitely explain it. If
>> I remember, I'll try to do a single-threaded run or two. If your
>> theory is correct, there should be no real perf difference when
>> running single-threaded. Those runs will take a long time, though, so
>> I'll have to run them over night. I'll let you know in a few days once
>> I have the results.
> I can also push a separate branch where I just print out a warning
> whenever we run into such a condition including the time we were waiting
> for things to complete. I can probably push something later today.

It prints out the duration of every wait as well as the total wait time
since boot.

- Danilo

>> If this theory holds, then I'm not concerned about the performance of
>> the API itself. It would still be good to see if we can find a way to
>> reduce the cross-process drag in the implementation but that's a perf
>> optimization we can do later.
> From the kernel side I think the only thing we could really do is to
> temporarily run a secondary drm_gpu_scheduler instance, one for VM_BINDs
> and one for EXECs until we got the new page table handling in place.
> However, the UMD could avoid such conditions more effectively, since it
> controls the address space. Namely, avoid re-using the same region of
> the address space right away in certain cases. For instance, instead of
> replacing a sparse region A[0x0, 0x4000000] with a larger sparse region
> B[0x0, 0x8000000], replace it with B'[0x4000000, 0xC000000] if possible.
> However, just mentioning this for completeness. The UMD surely shouldn't
> probably even temporarily work around such a kernel limitation.
> Anyway, before doing any of those, let's see if the theory holds and
> we're actually running into such cases.
>> Does it actually matter? Yes, it kinda does. No, it probably doesn't
>> matter for games because you're typically only running one game at a
>> time. From a development PoV, however, if it makes CI take longer then
>> that slows down development and that's not good for the users, either.
> Fully agree.
> - Danilo
>> ~Faith
>>     - Danilo
>>      >
>>      > ~Faith
>>      >

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