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SubjectRe: [PATCH 1/1] vmgenid: emit uevent when VMGENID updates
Hi Jason,

On 19/6/23 22:30, Jason A. Donenfeld wrote:
> CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you can confirm the sender and know the content is safe.
> Like the other patch, and as discussed before too, I don't think this
> has any business being part of (virtual) hardware drivers, and instead
> belongs in random.c, which might receive these notifications from a
> variety of devices, and can thus synchronize things accordingly.
> Please stop posting more of these same approaches. Same nack as the
> other ones.

Quoting the cover letter of this patchset

> Please note, that this is not a "you need to reseed your PRNGs" event,
> which was what the previous RFC [1] was trying to do. It is, explicitly,
> meant to be a "you are now running in a new VM" event for the user space
> to consume, so it can do things like regenerating its MAC addresses and
> refreshing DHCP.

Why do you think that the "you are now running in a new VM" event (that has
nothing to do with PRNGs) belongs in random.c?


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