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    SubjectRe: [PATCH v3] Add .editorconfig file for basic formatting
    On Mon, May 8, 2023 at 10:59 AM Íñigo Huguet <> wrote:
    > Originally I sampled manually, but I have crafted a script to collect
    > more data. It's not 100% reliable, but good to get an idea. It reads
    > the leading whitespaces and if >80% of the lines have one kind of
    > indentation, it considers that it's the one used in that file. The
    > results, filtered to show only the relevant ones, are pasted at the
    > end.

    This is useful -- thanks a lot for working on collecting it!

    > These are some personal conclusions from the script's results:
    > - .py: although the official and most widely used style in the
    > community is 4-space indentation, in Linux tree many files use tabs.
    > What should we do here? 4-space is the clear standard for python...

    Yeah, this is the kind of thing that worries me and why I asked --
    what do editors do when they have the config saying it is 4-spaces,
    but the file is tabs? Do they adjust, do they convert the entire file,
    or do they simply start mixing indentation styles? Does the
    `.editorconfig` spec say anything about it? For instance, here is an
    issue about this sort of problem:

    If the rule could be applied only to new files, then it would be
    fairly easy to decide, given the majority uses 4-spaces and it nicely
    aligns with PEP 8, Black, etc. But unless we are quite sure we are not
    annoying developers, I would avoid specifying anything in these cases.

    In some cases (e.g. few files), you may be able to propose to
    normalize the indentation style treewide for that extension.

    > - .rb: only one file in the whole tree
    > - .pm: only 3 files in the whole tree

    I guess you could also ignore extensions without many matches in order
    to simplify -- they can always be added later, ideally by their

    > - Files with many different indentations, better not to specify them:
    > rst, cocci, tc, xsl, manual pages
    > - Files that we should specify, tab indented: awk, dts, dtsi, dtso, s, S
    > - Files that we might specify, with preference for tab indenting but
    > not 100% clear: sh, bash, pl
    > - Files in tools/perf/scripts/*/bin/*: there is no clear formatting
    > for any file type, only for .py files that are tab-indented. To get
    > these results I've run my script from tools/perf/scripts directory.

    If all Python tab-indented files are in a given folder, then would it
    be possible to provide an `.editorconfig` for that folder, and then
    4-spaces for the global one? i.e. splitting the problem across folders
    may be a solution (within reason, of course, i.e. as long as we don't
    fill the kernel with `.editorconfig` files... :)

    > I'm only aware of Clang and Rust formatter configs in Linux tree, and
    > I think this complies with them. Do you know about any other?

    There is `scripts/`, which I guess may be counted as one
    since one can fix what it complains about manually (and I think it has
    some "fix in place" support too).

    There is also `Documentation/devicetree/bindings/.yamllint`.

    In addition, some may be using formatters in a default config? e.g.
    Black for some of the Python scripts.


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      Last update: 2023-05-26 23:17    [W:6.367 / U:0.064 seconds]
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