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SubjectRe: RFC: NTP adjustments interfere with KVM emulation of TSC deadline timers
On Thu, Dec 21, 2023 at 8:52 AM Maxim Levitsky <> wrote:
> Hi!
> Recently I was tasked with triage of the failures of 'vmx_preemption_timer'
> that happen in our kernel CI pipeline.
> The test usually fails because L2 observes TSC after the
> preemption timer deadline, before the VM exit happens.
> This happens because KVM emulates nested preemption timer with HR timers,
> so it converts the preemption timer value to nanoseconds, taking in account
> tsc scaling and host tsc frequency, and sets HR timer.
> HR timer however as I found out the hard way is bound to CLOCK_MONOTONIC,
> and thus its rate can be adjusted by NTP, which means that it can run slower or
> faster than KVM expects, which can result in the interrupt arriving earlier,
> or late, which is what is happening.
> This is how you can reproduce it on an Intel machine:
> 1. stop the NTP daemon:
> sudo systemctl stop chronyd.service
> 2. introduce a small error in the system time:
> sudo date -s "$(date)"
> 3. start NTP daemon:
> sudo chronyd -d -n (for debug) or start the systemd service again
> 4. run the vmx_preemption_timer test a few times until it fails:
> I did some research and it looks like I am not the first to encounter this:
> From the ARM side there was an attempt to support CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW with
> timer subsystem which was even merged but then reverted due to issues:
> It looks like this issue was later worked around in the ARM code:
> commit 1c5631c73fc2261a5df64a72c155cb53dcdc0c45
> Author: Marc Zyngier <>
> Date: Wed Apr 6 09:37:22 2016 +0100
> KVM: arm/arm64: Handle forward time correction gracefully
> On a host that runs NTP, corrections can have a direct impact on
> the background timer that we program on the behalf of a vcpu.
> In particular, NTP performing a forward correction will result in
> a timer expiring sooner than expected from a guest point of view.
> Not a big deal, we kick the vcpu anyway.
> But on wake-up, the vcpu thread is going to perform a check to
> find out whether or not it should block. And at that point, the
> timer check is going to say "timer has not expired yet, go back
> to sleep". This results in the timer event being lost forever.
> There are multiple ways to handle this. One would be record that
> the timer has expired and let kvm_cpu_has_pending_timer return
> true in that case, but that would be fairly invasive. Another is
> to check for the "short sleep" condition in the hrtimer callback,
> and restart the timer for the remaining time when the condition
> is detected.
> This patch implements the latter, with a bit of refactoring in
> order to avoid too much code duplication.
> Cc: <>
> Reported-by: Alexander Graf <>
> Reviewed-by: Alexander Graf <>
> Signed-off-by: Marc Zyngier <>
> Signed-off-by: Christoffer Dall <>
> So to solve this issue there are two options:
> 1. Have another go at implementing support for CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW timers.
> I don't know if that is feasible and I would be very happy to hear a feedback from you.
> 2. Also work this around in KVM. KVM does listen to changes in the timekeeping system
> (kernel calls its update_pvclock_gtod), and it even notes rates of both regular and raw clocks.
> When starting a HR timer I can adjust its period for the difference in rates, which will in most
> cases produce more correct result that what we have now, but will still fail if the rate
> is changed at the same time the timer is started or before it expires.
> Or I can also restart the timer, although that might cause more harm than
> good to the accuracy.
> What do you think?

Is this what the "adaptive tuning" in the local APIC TSC_DEADLINE
timer is all about (lapic_timer_advance_ns = -1)? If so, can we
leverage that for the VMX-preemption timer as well?
> Best regards,
> Maxim Levitsky

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