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SubjectRe: [PATCH v4 7/7] rust: workqueue: add examples
> This is not a problem until nvmet actually uses/switches to Rust, right?
> ;-) We can certainly improve the API when a real user needs something.
> Or you know someone is already working on this?

Nope, not at this moment. I have an itch to experiment with Rust and
iSCSI, but that's my personal toy without any plans to at least propose
it to the subsystem maintainers yet.

> All of your suggestions make senses to me, but because we don't have
> many users right now, it's actually hard to determine a "best" API. I
> like what we have right now because it's explicit: people won't need to
> learn much about procedure macros to understand how it works, and it
> also provides better opportunities for people who's yet not familiar
> with Rust to give some reviews. So starting with something relatively
> simple and verbose may not be a bad idea ;-)
> Again, I like your idea, we need to explore that direction, but one
> dragon at a time ;-)

Oh yeah, completely understand :)

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  Last update: 2023-10-04 16:57    [W:0.115 / U:0.148 seconds]
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