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SubjectRe: [External] Re: [RFC PATCH] zswap: add writeback_time_threshold interface to shrink zswap pool
Thanks for your reply.
> I prefer if this can be done through memory.reclaim when the zswap
> shrinker is in place, as others have suggested. I understand that this
> provides more control by specifying the time at which to start writing
> pages out, which is similar to zram writeback AFAICT, but it is also
> difficult to determine the right value to write here.
> I am also not sure how you decide that it is better to writeback cold
> pages in zswap or compress cold pages in the LRUs. The pages in zswap
> are obviously colder, but accessing them after they are written back
> is much more expensive, to the point that it could be better to
> compress more cold memory from the LRUs. This is obviously not
> straightforward and requires a fair amount of tuning to do more good
> than harm.

I do agree. For some applications, a common value will work,
such as 600s. Besides, this patch provides a more flexible way
to offload compress pages.

> That being said, if we decide to move forward with this I have a
> couple of comments:
> - I think you should check out how zram implements idle writeback and
> try to make things consistent. Zswap and zram don't really see eye to
> eye, but some consistency would be nice. If you looked at zram's
> implementation you would realize that you also need to update the
> access time when a page is read (unless the load is exclusive).

Thanks for your suggestion,i will fix it and check it again.

> - This should be behind a config option. Every word that we add to
> struct zswap_entry reduces the zswap savings by roughly 0.2%. Maybe
> this doesn't sound like much but it adds up. Let's not opt everyone in
> unless they ask for it.

Good idea, Thanks.

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