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    Subject[PATCH v8 01/13] perf test: Add CoreSight shell lib shared code for future tests
    From: Carsten Haitzler <>

    This adds a library of shell "code" to be shared and used by future
    tests that target quality testing for Arm CoreSight support in perf
    and the Linux kernel.

    Signed-off-by: Carsten Haitzler <>
    tools/perf/tests/shell/lib/ | 132 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
    1 file changed, 132 insertions(+)
    create mode 100644 tools/perf/tests/shell/lib/

    diff --git a/tools/perf/tests/shell/lib/ b/tools/perf/tests/shell/lib/
    new file mode 100644
    index 000000000000..45a1477256b6
    --- /dev/null
    +++ b/tools/perf/tests/shell/lib/
    @@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
    +# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
    +# Carsten Haitzler <>, 2021
    +# This is sourced from a driver script so no need for #!/bin... etc. at the
    +# top - the assumption below is that it runs as part of sourcing after the
    +# test sets up some basic env vars to say what it is.
    +# This currently works with ETMv4 / ETF not any other packet types at thi
    +# point. This will need changes if that changes.
    +# perf record options for the perf tests to use
    +PERFRECMEM="-m ,16M"
    +PERFRECOPT="$PERFRECMEM -e cs_etm//u"
    +TOOLS=$(dirname $0)
    +# If the test tool/binary does not exist and is executable then skip the test
    +if ! test -x "$BIN"; then exit 2; fi
    +# If the data dir env is set then make the data dir use that instead of ./
    +if test -n "$PERF_TEST_CORESIGHT_DATADIR"; then
    +# If the stat dir env is set then make the data dir use that instead of ./
    +if test -n "$PERF_TEST_CORESIGHT_STATDIR"; then
    +# Called if the test fails - error code 1
    +err() {
    + echo "$1"
    + exit 1
    +# Check that some statistics from our perf
    +check_val_min() {
    + STATF="$4"
    + if test "$2" -lt "$3"; then
    + echo ", FAILED" >> "$STATF"
    + err "Sanity check number of $1 is too low ($2 < $3)"
    + fi
    +perf_dump_aux_verify() {
    + # Some basic checking that the AUX chunk contains some sensible data
    + # to see that we are recording something and at least a minimum
    + # amount of it. We should almost always see Fn packets in just about
    + # anything but certainly we will see some trace info and async
    + # packets
    + DUMP="$DATD/perf-tmp-aux-dump.txt"
    + perf report --stdio --dump -i "$1" | \
    + grep -o -e I_ATOM_F -e I_ASYNC -e I_TRACE_INFO > "$DUMP"
    + # Simply count how many of these packets we find to see that we are
    + # producing a reasonable amount of data - exact checks are not sane
    + # as this is a lossy process where we may lose some blocks and the
    + # compiler may produce different code depending on the compiler and
    + # optimization options, so this is rough just to see if we're
    + # either missing almost all the data or all of it
    + ATOM_FX_NUM=`grep I_ATOM_F "$DUMP" | wc -l`
    + ASYNC_NUM=`grep I_ASYNC "$DUMP" | wc -l`
    + TRACE_INFO_NUM=`grep I_TRACE_INFO "$DUMP" | wc -l`
    + rm -f "$DUMP"
    + # Arguments provide minimums for a pass
    + CHECK_FX_MIN="$2"
    + CHECK_ASYNC_MIN="$3"
    + # Write out statistics, so over time you can track results to see if
    + # there is a pattern - for example we have less "noisy" results that
    + # produce more consistent amounts of data each run, to see if over
    + # time any techinques to minimize data loss are having an effect or
    + # not
    + STATF="$STATD/stats-$TEST-$DATV.csv"
    + if ! test -f "$STATF"; then
    + echo "ATOM Fx Count, Minimum, ASYNC Count, Minimum, TRACE INFO Count, Minimum" > "$STATF"
    + fi
    + # Actually check to see if we passed or failed.
    + check_val_min "ATOM_FX" "$ATOM_FX_NUM" "$CHECK_FX_MIN" "$STATF"
    + check_val_min "ASYNC" "$ASYNC_NUM" "$CHECK_ASYNC_MIN" "$STATF"
    + echo ", Ok" >> "$STATF"
    +perf_dump_aux_tid_verify() {
    + # Specifically crafted test will produce a list of Tread ID's to
    + # stdout that need to be checked to see that they have had trace
    + # info collected in AUX blocks in the perf data. This will go
    + # through all the TID's that are listed as CID=0xabcdef and see
    + # that all the Thread IDs the test tool reports are in the perf
    + # data AUX chunks
    + # The TID test tools will print a TID per stdout line that are being
    + # tested
    + TIDS=`cat "$2"`
    + # Scan the perf report to find the TIDs that are actually CID in hex
    + # and build a list of the ones found
    + FOUND_TIDS=`perf report --stdio --dump -i "$1" | \
    + grep -o "CID=0x[0-9a-z]\+" | sed 's/CID=//g' | \
    + uniq | sort | uniq`
    + # No CID=xxx found - maybe your kernel is reporting these as
    + # VMID=xxx so look there
    + if test -z "$FOUND_TIDS"; then
    + FOUND_TIDS=`perf report --stdio --dump -i "$1" | \
    + grep -o "VMID=0x[0-9a-z]\+" | sed 's/VMID=//g' | \
    + uniq | sort | uniq`
    + fi
    + # Iterate over the list of TIDs that the test says it has and find
    + # them in the TIDs found in the perf report
    + MISSING=""
    + for TID2 in $TIDS; do
    + FOUND=""
    + for TIDHEX in $FOUND_TIDS; do
    + TID=`printf "%i" $TIDHEX`
    + if test "$TID" -eq "$TID2"; then
    + FOUND="y"
    + break
    + fi
    + done
    + if test -z "$FOUND"; then
    + fi
    + done
    + if test -n "$MISSING"; then
    + err "Thread IDs $MISSING not found in perf AUX data"
    + fi
     \ /
      Last update: 2022-09-06 12:48    [W:4.238 / U:0.172 seconds]
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