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    SubjectRe: task hung in port100_send_cmd_sync
    On 18/09/2022 15:22, Rondreis wrote:
    > Hello,
    > When fuzzing the Linux kernel driver v6.0-rc4, the following crash was
    > triggered.


    Thanks for the report.

    > HEAD commit: 7e18e42e4b280c85b76967a9106a13ca61c16179
    > git tree: upstream
    > kernel config:
    > C reproducer:
    > console output:
    > Basically, in the c reproducer, we use the gadget module to emulate
    > attaching a USB device(vendor id: 0x54c, product id: 0x6c1, with the
    > printer function) and executing some simple sequence of system calls.
    > To reproduce this crash, we utilize a third-party library to emulate
    > the attaching process:
    > Just clone this repository, install it, and compile the c
    > reproducer with ``` gcc crash.c -lusbgx -lconfig -o crash ``` will do
    > the trick.
    > I would appreciate it if you have any idea how to solve this bug.

    You can try to bisect. Or you can build kernel with lockdep and try to

    > The crash report is as follows:

    It's not a crash, but a blocked task, so there might be deadlock,
    incorrect synchronization or some missing cleanup path. Actually quite a
    lot could lead to this.

    Best regards,

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      Last update: 2022-09-20 15:56    [W:3.268 / U:0.136 seconds]
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