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SubjectRe: [PATCH v3 8/8] vfio/pci: Add the support for PCI D3cold state
On Wed, 1 Jun 2022 14:30:54 -0300
Jason Gunthorpe <> wrote:

> On Wed, Jun 01, 2022 at 10:21:51AM -0600, Alex Williamson wrote:
> > Some ioctls clearly cannot occur while the device is in low power, such
> > as resets and interrupt control, but even less obvious things like
> > getting region info require device access. Migration also provides a
> > channel to device access.
> I wonder what power management means in a case like that.
> For the migration drivers they all rely on a PF driver that is not
> VFIO, so it should be impossible for power management to cause the PF
> to stop working.
> I would expect any sane design of power management for a VF to not
> cause any harm to the migration driver..

Is there even a significant benefit or use case for power management
for VFs? The existing D3hot support should be ok, but I imagine to
support D3cold, all the VFs and the PF would need to move to low power.
It might be safe to simply exclude VFs from providing this feature for

> > I'm also still curious how we're going to handle devices that cannot
> > return to low power such as the self-refresh mode on the GPU. We can
> > potentially prevent any wake-ups from the vfio device interface, but
> > that doesn't preclude a wake-up via an external lspci. I think we need
> > to understand how we're going to handle such devices before we can
> > really complete the design. AIUI, we cannot disable the self-refresh
> > sleep mode without imposing unreasonable latency and memory
> > requirements on the guest and we cannot retrigger the self-refresh
> > low-power mode without non-trivial device specific code.
> It begs the question if power management should be something that only
> a device-specific drivers should allow?

Yes, but that's also penalizing devices that require no special
support, for the few that do. I'm not opposed to some sort of
vfio-pci-nvidia-gpu variant driver to provide that device specific
support, but I'd think the device table for such a driver might just be
added to the exclusion list for power management support in vfio-pci.
vfio-pci-core would need some way for drivers to opt-out/in for power
management. Thanks,


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