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SubjectRe: [PATCH printk v2 09/12] printk: add functions to prefer direct printing
On 4/7/22 22:04, John Ogness wrote:
> On 2022-04-07, Helge Deller <> wrote:
>> In my case - while I debug low-level kernel code - I then just need to
>> use pr_warn() or pr_emerg() and get it printed non-threadened. That's
>> sufficient for me.
> Actually, no. The loglevel does not determine if a message is direct
> printed or not. By "warn" I was referring to WARN_ON(condition).

Oh, then there was a misunderstanding on my side.

> If you are debugging low-level kernel code, you usually will _want_
> threaded printing. The timestamps match the printk() call, so you will
> get accurate logs. And the runtime performance of your low-level kernel
> code will not be significantly affected by the printk() call.

That really much depends on what you debug.
Currently I'm debugging some CPU hotplug stuff, and I really want my
debug info printed immediately, otherwise it's too late to analyze what's
going wrong. I can imaginge other use cases like trying to find memory
leaks are similiar.

> If for some reason you really want non-threaded printing, the patch we
> are discussing creates new functions to manually activate it:
> printk_prefer_direct_enter();
> pr_info("debugging\n");
> printk_prefer_direct_exit();

That's quite unhandy. At least I would have thought that pr_emerg() would
do that call sequence.
Wouldn't it make sense to make pr_emerg() work unthreadened, as it's
used quite seldom and only in special situations...

> But then your pr_info() will cause significant latencies. The timestamp
> would be the same, with or without direct printing.

Yes, but that would be Ok in my case.


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