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Subject[PATCH v9 06/13] perf expr: Move actions to the left.
No functional change, just modifying whitespace. This creates additional
space for adding logic to actions in later changes.

Signed-off-by: Ian Rogers <>
tools/perf/util/expr.y | 124 +++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------
1 file changed, 75 insertions(+), 49 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tools/perf/util/expr.y b/tools/perf/util/expr.y
index 5535badeef0a..78cbe377eb0e 100644
--- a/tools/perf/util/expr.y
+++ b/tools/perf/util/expr.y
@@ -70,54 +70,80 @@ MIN | MAX | IF | ELSE | SMT_ON | NUMBER | '|' | '^' | '&' | '-' | '+' | '*' | '/
'<' | '>' | D_RATIO

all_expr: if_expr { *final_val = $1; }
- ;
- expr IF expr ELSE expr { $$ = $3 ? $1 : $5; }
- | expr
- ;
-expr: NUMBER
- | ID {
- struct expr_id_data *data;
- $$ = NAN;
- if (expr__resolve_id(ctx, $1, &data) == 0)
- $$ = expr_id_data__value(data);
- free($1);
- }
- | expr '|' expr { BINARY_LONG_OP($$, |, $1, $3); }
- | expr '&' expr { BINARY_LONG_OP($$, &, $1, $3); }
- | expr '^' expr { BINARY_LONG_OP($$, ^, $1, $3); }
- | expr '<' expr { BINARY_OP($$, <, $1, $3); }
- | expr '>' expr { BINARY_OP($$, >, $1, $3); }
- | expr '+' expr { BINARY_OP($$, +, $1, $3); }
- | expr '-' expr { BINARY_OP($$, -, $1, $3); }
- | expr '*' expr { BINARY_OP($$, *, $1, $3); }
- | expr '/' expr { if ($3 == 0) {
- pr_debug("division by zero\n");
- }
- $$ = $1 / $3;
- }
- | expr '%' expr { if ((long)$3 == 0) {
- pr_debug("division by zero\n");
- }
- $$ = (long)$1 % (long)$3;
- }
- | '-' expr %prec NEG { $$ = -$2; }
- | '(' if_expr ')' { $$ = $2; }
- | MIN '(' expr ',' expr ')' { $$ = $3 < $5 ? $3 : $5; }
- | MAX '(' expr ',' expr ')' { $$ = $3 > $5 ? $3 : $5; }
- | SMT_ON { $$ = smt_on() > 0; }
- | D_RATIO '(' expr ',' expr ')' { if ($5 == 0) {
- $$ = 0;
- } else {
- $$ = $3 / $5;
- }
- }
- ;
+if_expr: expr IF expr ELSE expr
+ $$ = $3 ? $1 : $5;
+| expr
+expr: NUMBER
+ $$ = $1;
+| ID
+ struct expr_id_data *data;
+ $$ = NAN;
+ if (expr__resolve_id(ctx, $1, &data) == 0)
+ $$ = expr_id_data__value(data);
+ free($1);
+| expr '|' expr { BINARY_LONG_OP($$, |, $1, $3); }
+| expr '&' expr { BINARY_LONG_OP($$, &, $1, $3); }
+| expr '^' expr { BINARY_LONG_OP($$, ^, $1, $3); }
+| expr '<' expr { BINARY_OP($$, <, $1, $3); }
+| expr '>' expr { BINARY_OP($$, >, $1, $3); }
+| expr '+' expr { BINARY_OP($$, +, $1, $3); }
+| expr '-' expr { BINARY_OP($$, -, $1, $3); }
+| expr '*' expr { BINARY_OP($$, *, $1, $3); }
+| expr '/' expr
+ if ($3 == 0) {
+ pr_debug("division by zero\n");
+ }
+ $$ = $1 / $3;
+| expr '%' expr
+ if ((long)$3 == 0) {
+ pr_debug("division by zero\n");
+ }
+ $$ = (long)$1 % (long)$3;
+| D_RATIO '(' expr ',' expr ')'
+ if ($5 == 0) {
+ $$ = 0;
+ } else {
+ $$ = $3 / $5;
+ }
+| '-' expr %prec NEG
+ $$ = -$2;
+| '(' if_expr ')'
+ $$ = $2;
+| MIN '(' expr ',' expr ')'
+ $$ = $3 < $5 ? $3 : $5;
+| MAX '(' expr ',' expr ')'
+ $$ = $3 > $5 ? $3 : $5;
+ $$ = smt_on() > 0 ? 1.0 : 0.0;

 \ /
  Last update: 2021-09-23 09:48    [W:0.284 / U:0.236 seconds]
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