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    SubjectRe: Folio discussion recap
    On Fri, Sep 17, 2021 at 12:31:36PM -0400, Johannes Weiner wrote:
    > My question for fs folks is simply this: as long as you can pass a
    > folio to kmap and mmap and it knows what to do with it, is there any
    > filesystem relevant requirement that the folio map to 1 or more
    > literal "struct page", and that folio_page(), folio_nr_pages() etc be
    > part of the public API?

    In the short term, yes, we need those things in the public API.
    In the long term, not so much.

    We need something in the public API that tells us the offset and
    size of the folio. Lots of page cache code currently does stuff like
    calculate the size or iteration counts based on the difference of
    page->index values (i.e. number of pages) and iterate page by page.
    A direct conversion of such algorithms increments by
    folio_nr_pages() instead of 1. So stuff like this is definitely
    necessary as public APIs in the initial conversion.

    Let's face it, folio_nr_pages() is a huge improvement on directly
    exposing THP/compound page interfaces to filesystems and leaving
    them to work it out for themselves. So even in the short term, these
    API members represent a major step forward in mm API cleanliness.

    As for long term, everything in the page cache API needs to
    transition to byte offsets and byte counts instead of units of
    PAGE_SIZE and page->index. That's a more complex transition, but
    AFAIA that's part of the future work Willy is intended to do with
    folios and the folio API. Once we get away from accounting and
    tracking everything as units of struct page, all the public facing
    APIs that use those units can go away.

    It's fairly slow to do this, because we have so much code that is
    doing stuff like converting file offsets between byte counts and
    page counts and vice versa. And it's not necessary to do an initial
    conversion to folios, either. But once everything in the page cache
    indexing API moves to byte ranges, the need to count pages, use page
    counts are ranges, iterate by page index, etc all goes away and
    hence those APIs can also go away.

    As for converting between folios and pages, we'll need those sorts
    of APIs for the foreseeable future because low level storage layers
    and hardware use pages for their scatter gather arrays and at some
    point we've got to expose those pages from behind the folio API.
    Even if we replace struct page with some other hardware page
    descriptor, we're still going to need such translation APIs are some
    point in the stack....

    > Or can we keep this translation layer private
    > to MM code? And will page_folio() be required for anything beyond the
    > transitional period away from pages?

    No idea, but as per above I think it's a largely irrelevant concern
    for the forseeable future because pages will be here for a long time

    > Can we move things not used outside of MM into mm/internal.h, mark the
    > transitional bits of the public API as such, and move on?

    Sure, but that's up to you to do as a patch set on top of Willy's
    folio trees if you think it improves the status quo. Write the
    patches and present them for review just like everyone else does,
    and they can be discussed on their merits in that context rather
    than being presented as a reason for blocking current progress on


    Dave Chinner

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