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SubjectRe: [PATCH v3 04/17] perf: x86/ds: Handle guest PEBS overflow PMI and inject it to guest
On 2021/1/15 22:44, Peter Zijlstra wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 15, 2021 at 10:30:13PM +0800, Xu, Like wrote:
>>> Are you sure? Spurious NMI/PMIs are known to happen anyway. We have far
>>> too much code to deal with them.
>> In the rr workload, the commit change "the PMI interrupts in skid region
>> should be dropped"
>> is reverted since some users complain that:
>>> It seems to me that it might be reasonable to ignore the interrupt if
>>> the purpose of the interrupt is to trigger sampling of the CPUs
>>> register state. But if the interrupt will trigger some other
>>> operation, such as a signal on an fd, then there's no reason to drop
>>> it.
>> I assume that if the PMI drop is unacceptable, either will spurious PMI
>> injection.
>> I'm pretty open if you insist that we really need to do this for guest PEBS
>> enabling.
> That was an entirely different issue. We were dropping events on the
> floor because they'd passed priv boundaries. So there was an actual
> event, and we made it go away.

Thanks for your clarification and support.

> What we're talking about here is raising an PMI with BUFFER_OVF set,
> even if the DS is empty. That should really be harmless. We'll take the
> PMI, find there's nothing there, and do nothing.

The only harm point is confusing the guest PEBS user with
the behavior of pebs_interrupt_threshold.

Now that KVM has to break it due to cross-mapping issue,
Let me implement this idea in the next version w/ relevant performance data.

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  Last update: 2021-01-15 16:15    [W:0.312 / U:0.296 seconds]
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