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SubjectRe: [PATCH v7 5/5] perf metric: Don't compute unused events.
On Tue, Jan 12, 2021 at 03:04:34PM -0800, Ian Rogers wrote:
> For a metric like:
> EVENT1 if #smt_on else EVENT2
> currently EVENT1 and EVENT2 will be measured and then when the metric is
> reported EVENT1 or EVENT2 will be printed depending on the value from
> smt_on() during the expr parsing. Computing both events is unnecessary and
> can lead to multiplexing as discussed in this thread:
> This change modifies the expression parsing code by:
> - getting rid of the "other" parsing and introducing a boolean argument
> to say whether ids should be computed or not.
> - expressions are changed so that a pair of value and ids are returned.
> - when computing the metric value the ids are unused.
> - when computing the ids, constant values and smt_on are assigned to
> the value.
> - If the value is from an event ID then the event is added to the ids
> hashmap and the value set to bottom (encoded as NAN).
> - Typically operators union IDs for their inputs and set the value to
> bottom, however, if the inputs are constant then these are computed and
> propagated as the value.
> - If the input is constant to certain operators like:
> IDS1 if CONST else IDS2
> then the result will be either IDS1 or IDS2 depending on CONST (which
> may be evaluated from an entire expression), and so IDS1 or IDS2 may
> be discarded avoiding events from being programmed.
> - The ids at the end of parsing are added to the context.

there's lot of refactoring going on, any chance this could be broken
down to more patches?


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