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SubjectRe: [PATCH v2 00/15] Make the user mode driver code a better citizen

Just to make certain I understand what is going on I instrumented a
kernel with some print statements.

a) The workqueues and timers start before populate_rootfs.

b) populate_rootfs does indeed happen long before the bpfilter
module is intialized.

c) What prevents populate_rootfs and the umd_load_blob from
having problems when they call flush_delayed_put is the
fact that fput_many does:

That 1 requests a delay of at least 1 jiffy. A jiffy is between
1ms and 10ms depending on how Linux is configured.

In my test configuration running a kernel in kvm printing to a serial
console I measured 0.8ms between the fput in blob_to_mnt and
flush_delayed_fput which immediately follows it.

So unless the fput becomes incredibly slow there is nothing to worry
about in blob_to_mnt.

d) As the same mechanism is used by populate_rootfs. A but in the
mechanism applies to both.

e) No one appears to have reported a problem executing files out of
initramfs these last several years since the flush_delayed_fput was

f) The code works for me. There is real reason to believe the code will
work for everyone else, as the exact same logic is used by initramfs.
So it should be perfectly fine for the patchset and the
usermode_driver code to go ahead as written.

h) If there is something to be fixed it is flush_delayed_fput as that is
much more important than anything in the usermode driver code.


p.s.) When I talked of restarts of the usermode driver code ealier I was
referring to the code that restarts the usermode driver if it is
killed, the next time the kernel tries to talk to it.

That could mask an -ETXTBUSY except if it happens on the first exec
the net/bfilter/bpfilter_kern.c:load_umh() will return an error.

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  Last update: 2020-07-08 06:50    [W:0.163 / U:2.936 seconds]
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