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    SubjectRe: [PATCH v10 01/26] Documentation/x86: Add CET description
    On 15/05/2020 23:43, Dave Hansen wrote:
    > On 5/15/20 2:33 PM, Yu-cheng Yu wrote:
    >> On Fri, 2020-05-15 at 11:39 -0700, Dave Hansen wrote:
    >>> On 5/12/20 4:20 PM, Yu-cheng Yu wrote:
    >>> Can a binary compiled with CET run without CET?
    >> Yes, but a few details:
    >> - The shadow stack is transparent to the application. A CET application does
    >> not have anything different from a non-CET application. However, if a CET
    >> application uses any CET instructions (e.g. INCSSP), it must first check if CET
    >> is turned on.
    >> - If an application is compiled for IBT, the compiler inserts ENDBRs at branch
    >> targets. These are nops if IBT is not on.
    > I appreciate the detailed response, but it wasn't quite what I was
    > asking. Let's ignore IBT for now and just talk about shadow stacks.
    > An app compiled with the new ELF flags and running on a CET-enabled
    > kernel and CPU will start off with shadow stacks allocated and enabled,
    > right? It can turn its shadow stack off per-thread with the new prctl.
    > But, otherwise, it's stuck, the only way to turn shadow stacks off at
    > startup would be editing the binary.
    > Basically, if there ends up being a bug in an app that violates the
    > shadow stack rules, the app is broken, period. The only recourse is to
    > have the kernel disable CET and reboot.
    > Is that right?

    If I may interject with the experience of having got supervisor shadow
    stacks working for Xen.

    Turning shadow stacks off is quite easy - clear MSR_U_CET.SHSTK_EN and
    the shadow stack will stay in whatever state it was in, and you can
    largely forget about it.  (Of course, in a sandbox scenario, it would be
    prudent to prevent the ability to disable shadow stacks.)

    Turning shadow stacks on is much more tricky.  You cannot enable it in
    any function you intend to return from, as the divergence between the
    stack and shadow stack will constitute a control flow violation.

    When it comes to binaries,  you can reasonably arrange for clone() to
    start a thread on a new stack/shstk, as you can prepare both stacks
    suitably before execution starts.

    You cannot reasonably implement a system call for "turn shadow stacks on
    for me", because you'll crash on the ret out of the VDSO from the system
    call.  It would be possible to conceive of an exec()-like system call
    which is "discard my current stack, turn on shstk, and start me on this
    new stack/shstk".

    In principle, with a pair of system calls to atomically manage the ststk
    settings and stack switching, it might possible to construct a
    `run_with_shstk_enabled(func, stack, shstk)` API which executes in the
    current threads context and doesn't explode.

    Fork() is a problem when shadow stacks are disabled in the parent.  The
    moment shadow stacks are disabled, the regular stack diverges from the
    shadow stack.  A CET-enabled app which turns off shstk and then fork()'s
    must have the child inherit the shstk-off property.  If the child were
    to start with shstk enabled, it would explode almost immediately due to
    the parent's stack divergence which it inherited.

    Finally seeing as the question was asked but not answered, it is
    actually quite easy to figure out whether shadow stacks are enabled in
    the current thread.

        mov     $1, %eax
        rdsspd  %eax
        cmp     $1, %eax
        je      no_shstk

    rdssp is allocated from the hint nop encoding space, and the minimum
    alignment of the shadow stack pointer is 4.  On older parts, or with
    shstk disabled (either at the system level, or for the thread), the $1
    will be preserved in %eax, while if CET is active, it will be clobbered
    with something that has the bottom two bits clear.

    It turns out this is a lifesaver for codepaths (e.g. the NMI handler)
    which need to use other CET instructions which aren't from the hint nop
    space, and run before the BSP can set everything up.


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