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SubjectRe: [for-next][PATCH 04/26] bootconfig: Add Extra Boot Config support
On Fri, Feb 07, 2020 at 11:46:17AM +0900, Masami Hiramatsu wrote:
> It could change some other things. I recommend developers to use this
> feature to configure their subsystem easier and admins to configure
> kernel boot options more readable way.

Well, I could use an actual justification for why I would need it.
Because, frankly, I haven't sat down and thought: "hmm, this boot
command line supplement thing is awful and I need a better one." IOW,
it has never bothered me so far. But I'm always open to improvements as
long as they don't make it worse. :)

> Many distros may not use it unless it is default y. I couldn't find any
> good example that the feature "default n" turns into "default y".
> Would you have any example?

We - SUSE - always reevaluate our configs for the next service pack and
enable things which make sense and customers use. So all the new drivers
get enabled, kernel infra which makes sense too, etc.

If the bootconfig thing proves useful, I will glady enable it in our

> Hmm, what would you afraid of? It is just a small footprint additional
> feature which never be enabled without "bootconfig" on the kernel cmdline...

Not afraid - I don't know why I need it. Everything I don't need =>
off. But again, if there's a good use case, I will enable it. The usual
feature evaluation thing we all do.



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