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    Subjectpossible lockdep regression introduced by 4d004099a668 ("lockdep: Fix lockdep recursion")

    I've recently started to hit a warning followed by tasks hanging after
    attempts to freeze a filesystem. A git bisection pointed to the
    following commit:

    commit 4d004099a668c41522242aa146a38cc4eb59cb1e
    Author: Peter Zijlstra <>
    Date: Fri Oct 2 11:04:21 2020 +0200

    lockdep: Fix lockdep recursion

    This happens very reliably when running all xfstests with lockdep
    enabled, and the tested filesystem is btrfs (haven't tried other
    filesystems, but it shouldn't matter). The warning and task hangs always
    happen at either test generic/068 or test generic/390, and (oddly)
    always have to run all tests for it to trigger, running those tests
    individually on an infinite loop doesn't seem to trigger it (at least
    for a couple hours).

    The warning triggered is at fs/super.c:__sb_start_write() which always
    results later in several tasks hanging on a percpu rw_sem:

    What happens is percpu_rwsem_is_held() is apparently returning a false
    positive, so this makes __sb_start_write() do a
    percpu_down_read_trylock() on a percpu_rw_sem at a higher level, which
    is expected to always succeed, because if the calling task is holding a
    freeze percpu_rw_sem at level 1, it's supposed to be able to try_lock
    the semaphore at level 2, since the freeze semaphores are always
    acquired by increasing level order.

    But the try_lock fails, it triggers the warning at __sb_start_write(),
    then its caller sb_start_pagefault() ignores the return value and
    callers such as btrfs_page_mkwrite() make the assumption the freeze
    semaphore was taken, proceed to do their stuff, and later call
    sb_end_pagefault(), which which will do an up_read() on the percpu_rwsem
    at level 2 despite not having not been able to down_read() the
    semaphore. This obviously corrupts the semaphore's read_count state, and
    later causes any task trying to down_write() it to hang forever.

    After such a hang I ran a drgn script to confirm it:

    $ cat
    import sys
    import drgn
    from drgn import NULL, Object, cast, container_of, execscript, \
    reinterpret, sizeof
    from drgn.helpers.linux import *

    mnt_path = b'/home/fdmanana/btrfs-tests/scratch_1'

    mnt = None
    for mnt in for_each_mount(prog, dst = mnt_path):

    if mnt is None:
    sys.stderr.write(f'Error: mount point {mnt_path} not found\n')

    def dump_sem(level_enum):
    level = level_enum.value_()
    sem = mnt.mnt.mnt_sb.s_writers.rw_sem[level - 1]
    print(f'freeze semaphore at level {level}, {str(level_enum)}')
    print(f' block {sem.block.counter.value_()}')
    for i in for_each_possible_cpu(prog):
    read_count = per_cpu_ptr(sem.read_count, i)
    print(f' read_count at cpu {i} = {read_count}')

    # dump semaphore read counts for all freeze levels (fs.h)

    $ drgn
    freeze semaphore at level 1, (enum <anonymous>)SB_FREEZE_WRITE
    block 1
    read_count at cpu 0 = *(unsigned int *)0xffffc2ec3ee00c74 = 3
    read_count at cpu 1 = *(unsigned int *)0xffffc2ec3f200c74 = 4294967293
    read_count at cpu 2 = *(unsigned int *)0xffffc2ec3f600c74 = 3
    read_count at cpu 3 = *(unsigned int *)0xffffc2ec3fa00c74 = 4294967293

    freeze semaphore at level 2, (enum <anonymous>)SB_FREEZE_PAGEFAULT
    block 1
    read_count at cpu 0 = *(unsigned int *)0xffffc2ec3ee00c78 = 0
    read_count at cpu 1 = *(unsigned int *)0xffffc2ec3f200c78 = 4294967295
    read_count at cpu 2 = *(unsigned int *)0xffffc2ec3f600c78 = 0
    read_count at cpu 3 = *(unsigned int *)0xffffc2ec3fa00c78 = 0

    freeze semaphore at level 3, (enum <anonymous>)SB_FREEZE_FS
    block 0
    read_count at cpu 0 = *(unsigned int *)0xffffc2ec3ee00c7c = 0
    read_count at cpu 1 = *(unsigned int *)0xffffc2ec3f200c7c = 0
    read_count at cpu 2 = *(unsigned int *)0xffffc2ec3f600c7c = 0
    read_count at cpu 3 = *(unsigned int *)0xffffc2ec3fa00c7c = 0

    At levels 1 and 3, read_count sums to 0, so it's fine, but at level 2 it
    sums to -1. The system remains like that for hours at least, with no
    progress at all.

    Is there a known regression with that lockdep commit?
    Anything I can do to help debug it in case it's not obvious?


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