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SubjectRe: [RFC][PATCH 1/2] x86: Allow breakpoints to emulate call functions
On Mon, May 6, 2019 at 3:06 PM Linus Torvalds
<> wrote:
> Why are you emulating something different than what you are rewriting?

Side note: I'm also finding another bug on the ftrace side, which is a
simple race condition.

In particular, the logic with 'modifying_ftrace_code' is fundamentally racy.

What can happen is that on one CPU we rewrite one instruction:

ftrace_update_func = ip;
/* Make sure the breakpoints see the ftrace_update_func update */

/* See comment above by declaration of modifying_ftrace_code */

ret = ftrace_modify_code(ip, old, new);


but then another CPU hits the 'int3' while the modification is
going on, and takes the fault.

The fault handler does that

if (unlikely(atomic_read(&modifying_ftrace_code))..

and sees that "yes, it's in the middle of modifying the ftrace code",
and calls ftrace_int3_handler(). All good and "obviously correct" so
far, no?

HOWEVER. It's actually buggy. Because in the meantime, the CPU that
was rewriting instructions has finished, and decrements the
modifying_ftrace_code, which doesn't hurt us (because we already saw
that the int3 was due to the modification.

BUT! There are two different races here:

(a) maybe the fault handling was slow, and we saw the 'int3' and took
the fault, but the modifying CPU had already finished, so that
atomic_read(&modifying_ftrace_code) didn't actually trigger at all.

(b) maybe the int3-faulting CPU *did* see the proper value of
modifying_ftrace_code, but the modifying CPU went on and started
*another* modification, and has changed ftrace_update_func in the
meantime, so now the int3 handling is looking at the wrong values!

In the case of (a), we'll die with an oops due to the inexplicable
'int3' we hit. And in the case of (b) we'll be fixing up using the
wrong address.

Things like this is why I'm wondering how much of the problems are due
to the entry code, and how much of it is due to simply races and
timing differences?

Again, I don't actually know the ftrace code, and maybe I'm missing
something, but this really looks like _another_ fundamental bug.

The way to handle that modifying_ftrace_code thing is most likely by
using a sequence counter. For example, one way to actually do some
thing like this might be

ftrace_update_func = ip;
ftrace_update_target = func;

ret = ftrace_modify_code(ip, old, new);


and now the int3 code could do something like

int head, tail;

head = atomic_read(&modifying_ftrace_head);
tail = atomic_read(&modifying_ftrace_tail);

/* Are we still in the process of modification? */
if (unlikely(head != tail+1))
return 0;

ip = ftrace_update_func;
func = ftrace_update_target;
/* Need to re-check that the above two values are consistent
and we didn't exit */
if (atomic_read(&modifying_ftrace_tail) != tail)
return 0;

*pregs int3_emulate_call(regs, ip, func);
return 1;

although it probably really would be better to use a seqcount instead
of writing it out like the above.

NOTE! The above only fixes the (b) race. The (a) race is probably best
handled by actually checking if the 'int3' instruction is still there
before dying.

Again, maybe there's something I'm missing, but having looked at that
patch now what feels like a million times, I'm finding more worrisome
things in the ftrace code than in the kernel entry code..


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