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SubjectRe: [PATCH V5 7/7] x86/jump_label: Batch jump label updates
On 4/15/19 1:54 PM, Peter Zijlstra wrote:
> So how about we do something like:
> +static struct bp_patching_desc {
> + int nr_entries;
> + struct text_patch_loc vec[PAGE_SIZE / sizeof(struct text_patch_loc)];
> +} bp_patching;
> and call it a day?
> Then we have static storage, no allocation, no fail paths.
> Also note that I removed that whole in_progress thing, as that is
> completely redudant vs !!nr_entries.

Hi Peter,

I am finishing the next version, but now I am in a dilemma.

If I use:

static struct bp_patching_desc {
int nr_entries;
struct text_patch_loc vec[PAGE_SIZE / sizeof(struct text_patch_loc)];
} bp_patching;

The in_progress is still needed because nr_entries will increase while
queuing... and so we would enter in the int3 before we actually need.

It will also need a new function on alternative.c to queue each entry into the
vector and change the text_poke_bp_batch() to a text_poke_bp_apply() without
arguments, +- replicating the arch_jump_label_transform_queue() and

[ and probably also take the text_mutex while queuing... and release in the apply ]


I can declare a vector and a counter in arch/x86/jump_label.c, like this:

#define TP_VEC_MAX (PAGE_SIZE / sizeof(struct text_patch_loc))
static struct text_patch_loc tp_vec[TP_VEC_MAX];
int tp_nr_entries = 0;

and use the arch_jump_label_transform_batch() as it is now, i.e:

void text_poke_bp_batch(struct text_patch_loc *tp, unsigned int nr_entries)

In this case, we do not need the in_progress because the
bp_patching_desc.nr_entries is filled only when in progress.

so, which path should I take?

-- Daniel

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