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SubjectRe: [PATCH v3] replace timeconst bc script with an sh script
> The point isn't to make it work *now*, but getting it to *stay* work.
Since the only thing that can change to affect the outcome of the script
or program is the value of CONFIG_HZ, isn't knowing that it works within
a range of any reasonable values to set CONFIG_HZ to enough to know that
it will stay working? I just tested again using the bc script and my C
program, and this time I tested every possible value up to 100000, and
they both still matched output. It doesn't seem like there's something
that would cause the C program to stop working in the future due to
precision issues.

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  Last update: 2019-11-04 00:58    [W:0.054 / U:0.272 seconds]
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