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SubjectRe: [RFC RESEND PATCH 0/7] Add driver for dvfsrc and add support for active state of scpsys on mt8183

On 1/9/19 05:08, Henry Chen wrote:
> On Mon, 2019-01-07 at 18:34 +0200, Georgi Djakov wrote:
>> Hi Henry,
>> On 1/7/19 13:04, Henry Chen wrote:
>>> On Thu, 2019-01-03 at 14:53 -0800, Stephen Boyd wrote:
>>>> Quoting Henry Chen (2019-01-02 06:09:51)
>>>>> The patchsets add support for MediaTek hardware module named DVFSRC
>>>>> (dynamic voltage and frequency scaling resource collector). The DVFSRC is
>>>>> a HW module which is used to collect all the requests from both software
>>>>> and hardware and turn into the decision of minimum operating voltage and
>>>>> minimum DRAM frequency to fulfill those requests.
>>>>> So, This series is to implement the dvfsrc driver to collect all the
>>>>> requests of operating voltage or DRAM bandwidth from other device drivers
>>>>> likes GPU/Camera through 2 frameworks basically:
>>>>> 1. PM_QOS_MEMORY_BANDWIDTH from PM QOS: to aggregate the bandwidth
>>>>> requirements from different clients
>>>> Have you looked at using the interconnect framework for this instead of
>>>> using PM_QOS_MEMORY_BANDWIDTH? Qcom is pushing an interconnect framework
>>>> to do DRAM bandwidth requirement aggregation.
>>> Sorry, I haven't heard that before. Do you mean is following series
>>> patch?
>> Yes, this one. The idea is that consumer drivers like GPU, camera, video
>> encoder etc. report their bandwidth needs by using the interconnect API.
>> The framework does the aggregation and configures the hardware. In order
>> to use it you need to implement a platform-specific dvfsrc interconnect
>> provider driver that understands the SoC topology and knows how to
>> configure the hardware. I am not familiar with DVFSRC, but it seems to
>> me that it can fit as interconnect provider.
>> Does this HW module support any QoS priority/latency configuration or is
>> it only bandwidth and voltage?
>> Thanks,
>> Georgi
> Hi Georgi,
> Yes, the design is only to support bandwidth and voltage. The one of the
> function is to collect the memory bandwidth requirement from consumer
> and select the minimum DRAM frequency to fulfill system performance.It
> just get the total bandwidth then set it to HW, not involves complex SoC
> topology. So we choose to use PM QOS to model that DVFSRC driver can
> receive the bandwidth information from consumer driver via

Ok, good. The current patchset supports bandwidth, but there was a
discussion about adding support for latency and priority in the future.
Thanks for the information!

> Do you have a patch that show how consumer driver used interconnect to
> update their requirement.

Here are some examples:


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