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SubjectRe: [PATCH] percpu-refcount: relax limit on percpu_ref_reinit()

On Wed, Sep 12, 2018 at 09:52:48AM +0800, Ming Lei wrote:
> > If you killed and waited until kill finished, you should be able to
> > re-init. Is it that you want to kill but abort killing in some cases?
> Yes, it can be re-init, just with the warning of WARN_ON_ONCE(!percpu_ref_is_zero(ref)).

We can add another interface but it can't be re _init_.

> > How do you then handle the race against release? Can you please
> The .release is only called at atomic mode, and once we switch to
> percpu mode, .release can't be called at all. Or I may not follow you,
> could you explain a bit the race with release?

Yeah but what guards ->release() starting to run and then the ref
being switched to percpu mode? Or maybe that doesn't matter?

> > describe the exact usage you have on mind?
> Let me explain the use case:
> 1) nvme timeout comes
> 2) all pending requests are canceled, but won't be completed because
> they have to be retried after the controller is recovered
> 3) meantime, the queue has to be frozen for avoiding new request, so
> the refcount is killed via percpu_ref_kill().
> 4) after the queue is recovered(or the controller is reset successfully), it
> isn't necessary to wait until the refcount drops zero, since it is fine to
> reinit it by clearing DEAD and switching back to percpu mode from atomic mode.
> And waiting for the refcount dropping to zero in the reset handler may trigger
> IO hang if IO timeout happens again during reset.

Does the recovery need the in-flight commands actually drained or does
it just need to block new issues for a while. If latter, why is
percpu_ref even being used?

> So what I am trying to propose is the following usage:
> 1) percpu_ref_kill() on .q_usage_counter before recovering the controller for
> preventing new requests from entering queue

The way you're describing it, the above part is no different from
having a global bool which gates new issues.

> 2) controller is recovered
> 3) percpu_ref_reinit() on .q_usage_counter, and do not wait for
> .q_usage_counter dropping to zero, then we needn't to wait in NVMe reset
> handler which can be thought as single thread, and avoid IO hang when
> new timeout is triggered during the waiting.

This sounds possibly confused to me. Can you please explain how the
recovery may hang if you wait for the ref to drain?



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