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SubjectRe: [PATCH v3] ARM: module: Fix function kallsyms on Thumb-2
+++ Dave Martin [13/11/18 13:57 +0000]:
>On Tue, Nov 13, 2018 at 12:27:45PM +0100, Vincent Whitchurch wrote:
>> Thumb-2 functions have the lowest bit set in the symbol value in the
>> symtab. When kallsyms are generated for the vmlinux, the kallsyms are
>> generated from the output of nm, and nm clears the lowest bit.
>> $ arm-linux-gnueabihf-readelf -a vmlinux | grep show_interrupts
>> 95947: 8015dc89 686 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 2 show_interrupts
>> $ arm-linux-gnueabihf-nm vmlinux | grep show_interrupts
>> 8015dc88 T show_interrupts
>> $ cat /proc/kallsyms | grep show_interrupts
>> 8015dc88 T show_interrupts
>> However, for modules, the kallsyms uses the values in the symbol table
>> without modification, so for functions in modules, the lowest bit is set
>> in kallsyms.
>> $ arm-linux-gnueabihf-readelf -a drivers/net/tun.ko | grep tun_get_socket
>> 268: 000000e1 44 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 2 tun_get_socket
>> $ arm-linux-gnueabihf-nm drivers/net/tun.ko | grep tun_get_socket
>> 000000e0 T tun_get_socket
>> $ cat /proc/kallsyms | grep tun_get_socket
>> 7fcd30e1 t tun_get_socket [tun]
>> Because of this, the offset of the crashing instruction shown in oopses
>> is incorrect when the crash is in a module. For example, given a
>> tun_get_socket which starts like this,
>> 000000e0 <tun_get_socket>:
>> e0: b500 push {lr}
>> e2: f7ff fffe bl 0 <__gnu_mcount_nc>
>> e6: 4b08 ldr r3, [pc, #32]
>> e8: 6942 ldr r2, [r0, #20]
>> ea: 429a cmp r2, r3
>> ec: d002 beq.n f4 <tun_get_socket+0x14>
>> a crash when tun_get_socket is called with NULL results in:
>> PC is at tun_get_socket+0x7/0x2c [tun]
>> pc : [<7fcdb0e8>]
>> which can result in the incorrect line being reported by gdb if this
>> symbol+offset is used there. If the crash is on the first instruction
>> of a function, the "PC is at" line would also report the symbol name of
>> the preceding function.
>> To solve this, introduce a weak module_kallsyms_symbol_value() function
>> which arches can override to fix up these symbol values, and implement
>(Jumping into this patch without having reviewed previous versions in
>detail, so I may have misunderstood some things...)
>I prefer this to the previous approach of directly hacking the symbol
>values in the module kallsyms table.
>> this for Thumb-2. We need to move elf_type() to st_other so that the
>> original value of st_info is preserved.
>Are you sure modifying st_other won't break anything?
>It's hard to imagine how ELF symbol visibility would be relevant in the
>kernel, but some arches put other stuff in st_other. See alpha,
>powerpc, sh for example. I haven't attempted to understand whether any
>of those uses matters here.

Yeah, the st_other field is used to apply relocations in those arches
you mention. Overwriting st_info/st_other only "works" here in the
sense that that field is no longer needed after applying relocations
(add_kallsyms() is called in post_relocation() in the module loader).
I agree it's hacky to reuse the field in that way, though.

>Ideally, we wouldn't abuse st_info to store elf_type() in the first
>place, but that may be messier to solve. kallsyms could wrap the
>ElfXX_Sym in another struct to store extra metadata for example, but it
>would increase runtime memory consumption.

Yeah, I've always thought that was ugly. I think it was done as a
small optimization for kallsyms, so that we're not looking up what
char to print for every symbol, so the st_info field was repurposed
for this.

>Another option would be wedge STT_FUNC in bit 7 of st_info, say.
>Since elf_type() always yields an ASCII char, that bit shouldn't be
>used for anything today. We would of course need to wrap further
>access to st_info to mask that bit off as appropriate.

Hm, actually on second thought, I don't think the st_size field is
used *anywhere* in the module loader, not in the arch-specific
relocation code nor in kallsyms. Perhaps that field could be used to
store the output of elf_type instead. Then we won't run into any
issues with delayed relocations with livepatch, as the st_size field
isn't used at all for applying relocs anyway. Since this field is not
used at runtime, I think we can use st_size instead of st_other or
st_info, which are two fields that some arches do use to apply relocs.
Would be great if someone could confirm/fact-check me on this.



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