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    Subject[PATCH 09/12] block, bfq: use standard file names for the proportional-share policy
    Some of the files exposed in a cgroup by bfq, for the proportional
    share policy, have the same meaning as the files owned by cfq.

    The old implementation of the cgroup interface didn't allow different
    entities to create cgroup files with the same name (in the same
    subsystem). So, for bfq, we had to add the prefix "bfq" to the names
    of its cgroup files.

    This commit renames the cgroup files of the bfq scheduler as those
    exposed by cfq, and makes bfq share these files with any other policy.

    Signed-off-by: Angelo Ruocco <>
    Signed-off-by: Paolo Valente <>
    block/bfq-cgroup.c | 94 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
    1 file changed, 69 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)

    diff --git a/block/bfq-cgroup.c b/block/bfq-cgroup.c
    index 50b2d7ba6b9d..9148fc38c737 100644
    --- a/block/bfq-cgroup.c
    +++ b/block/bfq-cgroup.c
    @@ -1055,50 +1055,67 @@ struct blkcg_policy blkcg_policy_bfq = {

    struct cftype bfq_blkcg_legacy_files[] = {
    - .name = "bfq.weight",
    - .flags = CFTYPE_NOT_ON_ROOT,
    + .name = "weight",
    + .owner_name = "bfq",
    .seq_show = bfq_io_show_weight,
    .write_u64 = bfq_io_set_weight_legacy,

    /* statistics, covers only the tasks in the bfqg */
    - .name = "bfq.io_service_bytes",
    + .name = "io_service_bytes",
    + .owner_name = "bfq",
    + .flags = CFTYPE_SHARES_FILE,
    .private = (unsigned long)&blkcg_policy_bfq,
    .seq_show_cft = blkg_print_stat_bytes,
    - .name = "bfq.io_serviced",
    + .name = "io_serviced",
    + .owner_name = "bfq",
    + .flags = CFTYPE_SHARES_FILE,
    .private = (unsigned long)&blkcg_policy_bfq,
    .seq_show_cft = blkg_print_stat_ios,
    - .name = "bfq.time",
    + .name = "time",
    + .owner_name = "bfq",
    + .flags = CFTYPE_SHARES_FILE,
    .private = offsetof(struct bfq_group, stats.time),
    .seq_show_cft = bfqg_print_stat,
    - .name = "bfq.sectors",
    + .name = "sectors",
    + .owner_name = "bfq",
    + .flags = CFTYPE_SHARES_FILE,
    .seq_show = bfqg_print_stat_sectors,
    - .name = "bfq.io_service_time",
    + .name = "io_service_time",
    + .owner_name = "bfq",
    + .flags = CFTYPE_SHARES_FILE,
    .private = offsetof(struct bfq_group, stats.service_time),
    .seq_show_cft = bfqg_print_rwstat,
    - .name = "bfq.io_wait_time",
    + .name = "io_wait_time",
    + .owner_name = "bfq",
    + .flags = CFTYPE_SHARES_FILE,
    .private = offsetof(struct bfq_group, stats.wait_time),
    .seq_show_cft = bfqg_print_rwstat,
    - .name = "bfq.io_merged",
    + .name = "io_merged",
    + .owner_name = "bfq",
    + .flags = CFTYPE_SHARES_FILE,
    .private = offsetof(struct bfq_group, stats.merged),
    .seq_show_cft = bfqg_print_rwstat,
    - .name = "bfq.io_queued",
    + .name = "io_queued",
    + .owner_name = "bfq",
    + .flags = CFTYPE_SHARES_FILE,
    .private = offsetof(struct bfq_group, stats.queued),
    .seq_show_cft = bfqg_print_rwstat,
    @@ -1106,66 +1123,92 @@ struct cftype bfq_blkcg_legacy_files[] = {

    /* the same statictics which cover the bfqg and its descendants */
    - .name = "bfq.io_service_bytes_recursive",
    + .name = "io_service_bytes_recursive",
    + .owner_name = "bfq",
    + .flags = CFTYPE_SHARES_FILE,
    .private = (unsigned long)&blkcg_policy_bfq,
    .seq_show_cft = blkg_print_stat_bytes_recursive,
    - .name = "bfq.io_serviced_recursive",
    + .name = "io_serviced_recursive",
    + .owner_name = "bfq",
    + .flags = CFTYPE_SHARES_FILE,
    .private = (unsigned long)&blkcg_policy_bfq,
    .seq_show_cft = blkg_print_stat_ios_recursive,
    - .name = "bfq.time_recursive",
    + .name = "time_recursive",
    + .owner_name = "bfq",
    + .flags = CFTYPE_SHARES_FILE,
    .private = offsetof(struct bfq_group, stats.time),
    .seq_show_cft = bfqg_print_stat_recursive,
    - .name = "bfq.sectors_recursive",
    + .name = "sectors_recursive",
    + .owner_name = "bfq",
    + .flags = CFTYPE_SHARES_FILE,
    .seq_show = bfqg_print_stat_sectors_recursive,
    - .name = "bfq.io_service_time_recursive",
    + .name = "io_service_time_recursive",
    + .owner_name = "bfq",
    + .flags = CFTYPE_SHARES_FILE,
    .private = offsetof(struct bfq_group, stats.service_time),
    .seq_show_cft = bfqg_print_rwstat_recursive,
    - .name = "bfq.io_wait_time_recursive",
    + .name = "io_wait_time_recursive",
    + .owner_name = "bfq",
    + .flags = CFTYPE_SHARES_FILE,
    .private = offsetof(struct bfq_group, stats.wait_time),
    .seq_show_cft = bfqg_print_rwstat_recursive,
    - .name = "bfq.io_merged_recursive",
    + .name = "io_merged_recursive",
    + .owner_name = "bfq",
    + .flags = CFTYPE_SHARES_FILE,
    .private = offsetof(struct bfq_group, stats.merged),
    .seq_show_cft = bfqg_print_rwstat_recursive,
    - .name = "bfq.io_queued_recursive",
    + .name = "io_queued_recursive",
    + .owner_name = "bfq",
    + .flags = CFTYPE_SHARES_FILE,
    .private = offsetof(struct bfq_group, stats.queued),
    .seq_show_cft = bfqg_print_rwstat_recursive,
    - .name = "bfq.avg_queue_size",
    + .name = "avg_queue_size",
    + .owner_name = "bfq",
    + .flags = CFTYPE_SHARES_FILE,
    .seq_show = bfqg_print_avg_queue_size,
    - .name = "bfq.group_wait_time",
    + .name = "group_wait_time",
    + .owner_name = "bfq",
    + .flags = CFTYPE_SHARES_FILE,
    .private = offsetof(struct bfq_group, stats.group_wait_time),
    .seq_show_cft = bfqg_print_stat,
    - .name = "bfq.idle_time",
    + .name = "idle_time",
    + .owner_name = "bfq",
    + .flags = CFTYPE_SHARES_FILE,
    .private = offsetof(struct bfq_group, stats.idle_time),
    .seq_show_cft = bfqg_print_stat,
    - .name = "bfq.empty_time",
    + .name = "empty_time",
    + .owner_name = "bfq",
    + .flags = CFTYPE_SHARES_FILE,
    .private = offsetof(struct bfq_group, stats.empty_time),
    .seq_show_cft = bfqg_print_stat,
    - .name = "bfq.dequeue",
    + .name = "dequeue",
    + .owner_name = "bfq",
    + .flags = CFTYPE_SHARES_FILE,
    .private = offsetof(struct bfq_group, stats.dequeue),
    .seq_show_cft = bfqg_print_stat,
    @@ -1175,8 +1218,9 @@ struct cftype bfq_blkcg_legacy_files[] = {

    struct cftype bfq_blkg_files[] = {
    - .name = "bfq.weight",
    - .flags = CFTYPE_NOT_ON_ROOT,
    + .name = "weight",
    + .owner_name = "bfq",
    .seq_show = bfq_io_show_weight,
    .write = bfq_io_set_weight,
     \ /
      Last update: 2018-11-12 10:58    [W:4.222 / U:0.080 seconds]
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