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SubjectRe: [PATCH RFC] Update documentation for KSZ DSA drivers so that new drivers can be added

> There will be 5 drivers to support these devices:
> ksz9477.c - KSZ9893/KSZ9897/KSZ9567/KSZ9566/KSZ9477
> ksz8795.c - KSZ8795/KSZ8795/KSZ8765
> ksz8895.c - KSZ8895/KSZ8864

Could we see the 8895 driver, please?

> Out of topic I have a question to ask the community regarding the DSA
> port creation:
> Port 1 can be specified using the reg parameter specifying 0; port 2, 1;
> and so on. The KSZ8794 is a variant of KSZ8795 with port 4 disabled.
> So
> lan1 = 0, lan2 = 1, lan3 = 2, cpu = 4.
> But our company Marketing does not want to promote that fact but treat
> KSZ8794 as a distinct product.
> So
> lan1 = 0, lan2 = 1, lan3 = 2, cpu = 3.
> Is this okay to hide this information inside the driver? This is manageable
> for KSZ8794 but for KSZ8864 the first port is disabled:
> lan1 = 1, lan2 = 2, lan3 = 3, cpu = 4.
> I am not sure whether DSA has or will have a way to display the port
> mapping to regular users.

Kernel is not a place to play marketing games, and people reading the
kernel sources are not targets of your marketing department.

Please let us just see the underlying hardware, as is.
(cesky, pictures)
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