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SubjectRe: [PATCH] tpm/tpm_crb: Access locality for non-ACPI and non-SMC start method

On 08/24/2017 07:26 AM, Jarkko Sakkinen wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 22, 2017 at 04:28:54PM -0500, Jiandi An wrote:
>> > > {
>>>> - if ((priv->flags & CRB_FL_ACPI_START) ||
>>>> - (priv->flags & CRB_FL_CRB_SMC_START))
>>>> - return 0;
>>>> -
>>>> - iowrite32(CRB_CTRL_REQ_GO_IDLE, &priv->regs_t->ctrl_req);
>>>> - /* we don't really care when this settles */
>>>> + if ((priv->flags & (CRB_FL_ACPI_START | CRB_FL_CRB_SMC_START)) == 0)
>>>> + iowrite32(CRB_CTRL_REQ_GO_IDLE, &priv->regs_t->ctrl_req);
>>>> + /* we don't really care when this settles */
>>> It's *exactly* the same condition expessed in different form.
>> I'm sorry perhaps I didn't fully understand the workaround specific to Intel
>> PPT. In previous patch thread, you mentioned the following where
>> a platform could report to require start method 2 (ACPI start) which is
>> sm = ACPI_TPM2_START_METHOD, and actually requires start method 8, which
> What this has to do with the above code change? Those two versions
> compile most likely to almost if not exactly same machine code.
> Both the original code and your updated blacklist cases where either
> of those flags is set.

I know they don't change the logic. This was to address comment from
Jason. He wanted to express the exact condition which crb_go_idle(),
crb_cmd_ready(), and the check for "Bad ACPI memory layout" in
crb_map_io() should run, instead of the if not the condition, return.
Since you want it as is, I'll change it back. It's already excluding
CRB_FL_CRB_SMC_START in addition to CRB_FL_ACPI_START which is what's

Like I said the goal for this patch is to really further exclude
CRB_FL_CRB_SMC_START from the check for "Bad ACPI memory layout"
in crb_map_io() in the code below.

@@ -458,7 +455,7 @@ static int crb_map_io(struct acpi_device *device,
struct crb_priv *priv,
* the control area, as one nice sane region except for some older
* stuff that puts the control area outside the ACPI IO region.
-if (!(priv->flags & CRB_FL_ACPI_START)) {
+if ((priv->flags & (CRB_FL_ACPI_START | CRB_FL_CRB_SMC_START)) == 0) {
if (buf->control_address == io_res.start +
priv->regs_h = priv->iobase;
dev_warn(dev, FW_BUG "Bad ACPI memory layout");

I'll submit v2 with only this change. Are you okay which this change?

- Jiandi

>> But you listed the following code logic which for either sm = 2 or
>> sm = 8, CRB_FL_ACPI_START flag is set.
>> if (sm == ACPI_TPM2_START_METHOD ||
>> priv->flags |= CRB_FL_ACPI_START;
>> So I'm a little confused about the PPT workaround you mentioned
>> /* The reason for the extra quirk is that the PTT in 4th Gen Core CPUs
>> * report only ACPI start but in practice seems to require both
>> * ACPI start and CRB start.
>> */
>> !strcmp(acpi_device_hid(device), "MSFT0101"))
>> priv->flags |= CRB_FL_CRB_START;
>> I took it as some platform sm = 2 or sm = 8 which CRB_FL_ACPI_START
>> flag is set, additionally, if HID = MSFT0101, CRB_FL_CRB_START flag
>> is set.
> Yes.
> I'm starting to think that the code might be easier to follow if we
> removed 'flags' and store sm to the priv struct and put conditionals in
> places where we need them based on sm.
> I think the 'flags' field was not a good idea in the first place.
> /Jarkko

Jiandi An
Qualcomm Datacenter Technologies, Inc. as an affiliate of Qualcomm
Technologies, Inc.
Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. is a member of the Code Aurora Forum, a
Linux Foundation Collaborative Project.

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