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SubjectRe: Udpated sys_membarrier() speedup patch, FYI
On Thu, Jul 27, 2017 at 11:12 AM, Paul E. McKenney
<> wrote:
> Hello!
> But my main question is whether the throttling shown below is acceptable
> for your use cases, namely only one expedited sys_membarrier() permitted
> per scheduling-clock period (1 millisecond on many platforms), with any
> excess being silently converted to non-expedited form.

Google doesn't use sys_membarrier (that I know of...), but we do use
RSEQ fences, which implements membarrier + a little extra to interrupt
RSEQ critical sections (via IPI--smp_call_function_many.) One
important optimization here is that we only throw IPIs to cpus running
the same mm as current (or a subset if requested by userspace), as
this is sufficient for the API guarantees we provide. I suspect a
similar optimization would largely mitigate DOS concerns, no? I don't
know if there are use cases not covered. To answer your question:
throttling these (or our equivalents) would be fine in terms of
userspace throughput. We haven't noticed performance problems
requiring such an intervention, however.

Furthermore: I wince a bit at the silent downgrade; I'd almost prefer
-EAGAIN or -EBUSY. In particular, again for RSEQ fence, the downgrade
simply wouldn't work; rcu_sched_qs() gets called at many points that
aren't sufficiently quiescent for RSEQ (in particular, when userspace
code is running!) This is solvable, but worth thinking about.

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