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SubjectRe: [patch] propagating controls in libv4l2 was Re: support autofocus / autogain in libv4l2

> > + devices[index].subdev_fds[0] = SYS_OPEN("/dev/video_sensor", O_RDWR, 0);
> > + devices[index].subdev_fds[1] = SYS_OPEN("/dev/video_focus", O_RDWR, 0);
> > + devices[index].subdev_fds[2] = -1;
> Hardcoding names here is not a good idea. Ideally, it should open
> the MC, using the newgen API, and parse the media graph.
> The problem is that, even with newgen API, without the properties API
> you likely won't be able to write a generic parser. So, we need a
> plugin specific for OMAP3 (or at least some database that would teach
> a generic plugin about OMAP3 specifics).
> I guess that the approach that Jacek was taken were very close to what
> a generic plugin would need:
> The last version of his patch set is here:
> I didn't review his patchset, but from what I saw, Sakari is the one
> that found some issues on v7.1 patchset.
> Sakari,
> Could you shed us a light about why this patchset was not merged?
> Are there anything really bad at the code, or just minor issues that
> could be fixed later?
> If it is the last case, perhaps we could merge the code, if this
> would make easier for Pavel to work on a N9 solution using the
> same approach.

It would be nice to get some solution here. Camera without libv4l
support is pretty much useless :-(.

(cesky, pictures)
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