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SubjectRe: [PATCH 1/2] sched/fair: Fix how load gets propagated from cfs_rq to its sched_entity
Le Tuesday 25 Apr 2017 à 11:12:19 (-0700), Tejun Heo a écrit :
> Hello,
> On Tue, Apr 25, 2017 at 10:35:53AM +0200, Vincent Guittot wrote:
> > not sure to catch your example:
> > a task TA with a load_avg = 1 is the only task in a task group GB so
> > the cfs_rq load_avg = 1 too and the group_entity of this cfs_rq has
> > got a weight of 1024 (I use 10bits format for readability) which is
> > the total share of task group GB
> The group_entity (the sched_entity corresponding to the cfs_rq) should
> behave as if it's a task which has the weight of 1024.
> > Are you saying that the group_entity load_avg should be around 1024 and not 1 ?
> Yes.
> > I would say it depends of TA weight. I assume that TA weight is the
> > default value (1024) as you don't specify any value in your example
> Please consider the following configuration, where GA is a group
> entity, and TA and TB are tasks.
> ROOT - GA (weight 1024) - TA (weight 1)
> \ GB (weight 1 ) - TB (weight 1)
> Let's say both TA and TB are running full-tilt. Now let's take out GA
> and GB.
> ROOT - TA1 (weight 1024)
> \ TB1 (weight 1 )
> GA should behave the same as TA1 and GB TB1. GA's load should match
> TA1's, and GA's load when seen from ROOT's cfs_rq has nothing to do
> with how much total absolute weight it has inside it.
> ROOT - GA2 (weight 1024) - TA2 (weight 1 )
> \ GB2 (weight 1 ) - TB2 (weight 1024)
> If TA2 and TB2 are constantly running, GA2 and GB2's in ROOT's cfs_rq
> should match GA and GB's, respectively.

Yes I agree

> > If TA directly runs at parent level, its sched_entity would have a
> > load_avg of 1 so why the group entity load_avg should be 1024 ? it
> Because then the hierarchical weight configuration doesn't mean
> anything.
> > will just temporally show the cfs_rq more loaded than it is really and
> > at the end the group entity load_avg will go back to 1
> It's not temporary. The weight of a group is its shares, which is its
> load fraction of the configured weight of the group. Assuming UP, if
> you configure a group to the weight of 1024 and have any task running
> full-tilt in it, the group will converge to the load of 1024. The
> problem is that the propagation logic is currently doing something
> completely different and temporarily push down the load whenever it
> triggers.

Ok, I see your point and agree that there is an issue when propagating
load_avg of a task group which has tasks with lower weight than the share
but your proposal has got issue because it uses runnable_load_avg instead
of load_avg and this makes propagation of loadavg_avg incorrect, something
like below which keeps using load_avg solve the problem

+ if (gcfs_rq->load.weight) {
+ long shares = scale_load_down(calc_cfs_shares(gcfs_rq, gcfs_rq->tg));
+ load = min(gcfs_rq->avg.load_avg *
+ shares / scale_load_down(gcfs_rq->load.weight), shares);

I have run schbench with the change above on v4.11-rc8 and latency are ok

> Thanks.
> --
> tejun

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