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SubjectRe: [PATCH 0/8] ARM: sun8i: a33: Mali improvements

On Thu, Feb 16, 2017 at 01:43:06PM +0100, Tobias Jakobi wrote:
> I was wondering about the following. Wasn't there some strict
> requirement about code going upstream, which also included that there
> was a full open-source driver stack for it?
> I don't see how this is the case for Mali, neither in the kernel, nor in
> userspace. I'm aware that the Mali kernel driver is open-source. But it
> is not upstream, maintained out of tree, and won't land upstream in its
> current form (no resemblence to a DRM driver at all). And let's not talk
> about the userspace part.
> So, why should this be here?

The device tree is a representation of the hardware itself. The state
of the driver support doesn't change the hardware you're running on,
just like your BIOS/UEFI on x86 won't change the device it reports to
Linux based on whether it has a driver for it.

So yes, unfortunately, we don't have a driver upstream at the
moment. But that doesn't prevent us from describing the hardware


Maxime Ripard, Free Electrons
Embedded Linux and Kernel engineering
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