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SubjectRe: [RFC] EPOLL_KILLME: New flag to epoll_wait() that subscribes process to death row (new syscall)

On Wed, Nov 1, 2017, at 01:32 AM, Shawn Landden wrote:
> It is common for services to be stateless around their main event loop.
> If a process passes the EPOLL_KILLME flag to epoll_wait5() then it
> signals to the kernel that epoll_wait5() may not complete, and the kernel
> may send SIGKILL if resources get tight.

I've thought about something like this in the past too and would love
to see it land. Bigger picture, this also comes up in (server) container
environments, see e.g.:

There's going to be a long slog getting apps to actually make use
of this, but I suspect if it gets wrapped up nicely in some "framework"
libraries for C/C++, and be bound in the language ecosystems like golang
we could see a fair amount of adoption on the order of a year or two.

However, while I understand why it feels natural to tie this to epoll,
as the maintainer of glib2 which is used by a *lot* of things; I'm not
sure we're going to port to epoll anytime soon.

Why not just make this a prctl()? It's not like it's really any less racy to do:


and this also allows:


And as this is most often just going to be an optional hint it's easier to e.g. just ignore EINVAL
from the prctl().

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  Last update: 2017-11-01 16:17    [W:0.308 / U:0.516 seconds]
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