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SubjectRe: [tip:sched/core] sched/isolation: Document the isolcpus= flags
On Mon, 30 Oct 2017, Peter Zijlstra wrote:

> > isolcpus is the *right* approach here because you are micromanaging the OS
> > and are putting dedicated pieces of software on each core.
> That is what you want, and cpusets should allow for that just fine.

Well yes a cpuset of one processor I guess.

> > A cgroup suggests that threads would be scheduled over multiple cores
> > which is *not* what you want.
> No, that suggestion is false. cpusets should allow you to isolate
> individual CPUs just fine.
> > cgroup has to do something with containers
> Sod containers. That's just modern group think. cpusets existed long
> before all that wankery and it should very well retain the original use
> cases.

Historically cpusets were not used for cpu isolation. They were used to
restrict applications threads to sets of cpus for performance reasons. And
we are here dealing with individual processors.

> That said, I know there's problems with cpusets, and those should be
> fixed. But that doesn't mean isolcpus is anything other than a vile
> hack.

Controlling the way an individual processor works would be best done with
some kind of configuration in sysfs. I.e. /sys/cpu/<xx>/no_sched or so.

In lieu of that I think isolcpus is definitely better than a cpuset and it
is the only way that traditionally processor handling of the OS has been

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