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SubjectRe: iio/accel/bmc150: Improve unlocking of a mutex in two functions
> If that is the only unlock in the function, then it is probably
> best to keep things as is. In general gotos are considered
> better then multiple unlocks, but not having either is
> even better.

Thanks for your quick feedback.

>> How do you think about to use the following code variant then?
>>     if (!ret)
>>         ret = IIO_VAL_INT;
> I believe the goto unlock variant and setting ret = IIO_VAL_INT;
> directly above the unlock label variant is better,

I would prefer the approach above so that an extra goto statement
could also be avoided before.

> because that way the error handling is consistent between all steps
> and if another step is later added at the end, the last step will
> not require modification.

Do any more contributors insist on such a code layout?

>> How long should I wait for corresponding feedback before another small
>> source code adjustment will be appropriate?
> That is hard to say.

I am just curious on how we can achieve progress here.

> I usually just do a new version when I've time,

This is generally fine.

> seldomly someone complains I should have waited longer for feedback
> (when I'm quite quick) but usually sending out a new version as soon
> as you've time to work on a new version is best, since if you wait
> you may then not have time for the entire next week or so, at least
> that is my experience :)  There is really no clear rule here.

I asked also because other well-known contributors showed strong
reactions for this change pattern (with the help of a script
for the semantic patch language).
Would you care for similar updates in source files like the following?


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