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SubjectRe: [PATCH V3 0/6] event synthesization multithreading for perf record

* Jiri Olsa <> wrote:

> I recently made some changes on threaded record, which are based
> on Namhyungs time* API, which is needed to read/sort the data afterwards
> but I wasn't able to get any substantial and constant reduce of LOST events
> and then I got sidetracked and did not finish, but it's in here:

So, in the context of system-wide profiling, the way that would work best I think
is the following:

thread #0 binds itself to CPU#0 (via sched_setaffinity) and creates a per-CPU event on CPU#0
thread #1 binds itself to CPU#1 (via sched_setaffinity) and creates a per-CPU event on CPU#1
thread #2 binds itself to CPU#2 (via sched_setaffinity) and creates a per-CPU event on CPU#2


Is this how you implemented it?

If the threads in the thread pool are just free-running then the scheduler might
not migrate it to the 'right' CPU that is streaming the perf events and there will
be a lot of cross-talking between CPUs.

Inherited events (default 'perf record') is tougher.



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