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    SubjectRe: [PATCH 0/4] RCU: introduce noref debug
    On Tue, 2017-10-10 at 21:02 -0700, Paul E. McKenney wrote:
    > Linus and Ingo will ask me how users decide how they should set that
    > additional build flag. Especially given that if there is code that
    > requires non-strict checking, isn't everyone required to set up non-strict
    > checking to avoid false positives? Unless you can also configure out
    > all the code that requires non-strict checking, I suppose, but how
    > would you keep track of what to configure out?

    I'm working to a new version using a single compile flag - without
    additional strict option.

    I don't know of any other subsytem that stores rcu pointer in
    datastructures for a longer amount of time. That having said, I wonder
    if the tests should completely move to the networking subsystem for the
    time being. The Kconfig option would thus be called NET_DEBUG or
    something along the lines. For abstraction it would be possible to add
    an atomic_notifier_chain to the rcu_read/unlock methods, where multiple
    users or checkers could register for. That way we keep the users
    seperate from the implementation for the cost of a bit more layering
    and more indirect calls. But given that this will anyway slow down
    execution a lot, it will anyway only be suitable in
    testing/verification/debugging environments.

    > OK. There will probably be some discussion about the API in that case.

    I'll drop noref parameter, the key will became mandatory - the exact
    position of where the reference of RCU managed object is stored. In the
    case of noref dst it is &skb->_skb_refdst. With this kind of API it
    should suite more subsystems.

    > True enough. Except that if people were good about always clearing the
    > pointer, then the pointer couldn't leak, right? Or am I missing something
    > in your use cases?

    This is correct. The dst_entry checking in skb, which this patch series
    implements there are strict brackets in the sense of skb_dst_set,
    skb_dst_set_noref, skb_dst_force, etc., which form brackets around the
    safe uses of those dst_entries. This patch series validates that the
    correct skb_dst_* functions are being called before the sk_buff leaves
    the rcu protected section. Thus we don't need to modify and review a
    lot of code but we can just patch into those helpers already.

    > Or to put it another way -- have you been able to catch any real
    > pointer-leak bugs with thister-leak bugs with this? The other RCU
    > debug options have had pretty long found-bug lists before we accepted
    > them.

    There have been two problems found so far, one is a rather minor one
    while the other one seems like a normal bug. The patches for those are
    part of this series (3/4 and 4/4).



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