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    SubjectRe: [v8 0/4] cgroup-aware OOM killer
    > Going back to Michal's example, say the user configured the following:
    > root
    > / \
    > A D
    > / \
    > B C
    > A global OOM event happens and we find this:
    > - A > D
    > - B, C, D are oomgroups
    > What the user is telling us is that B, C, and D are compound memory
    > consumers. They cannot be divided into their task parts from a memory
    > point of view.
    > However, the user doesn't say the same for A: the A subtree summarizes
    > and controls aggregate consumption of B and C, but without groupoom
    > set on A, the user says that A is in fact divisible into independent
    > memory consumers B and C.
    > If we don't have to kill all of A, but we'd have to kill all of D,
    > does it make sense to compare the two?

    I think Tim has given very clear explanation why comparing A & D makes
    perfect sense. However I think the above example, a single user system
    where a user has designed and created the whole hierarchy and then
    attaches different jobs/applications to different nodes in this
    hierarchy, is also a valid scenario. One solution I can think of, to
    cater both scenarios, is to introduce a notion of 'bypass oom' or not
    include a memcg for oom comparision and instead include its children
    in the comparison.

    So, in the same above example:
    / \
    A(b) D
    / \
    B C

    A is marked as bypass and thus B and C are to be compared to D. So,
    for the single user scenario, all the internal nodes are marked
    'bypass oom comparison' and oom_priority of the leaves has to be set
    to the same value.

    Below is the pseudo code of select_victim_memcg() based on this idea
    and David's previous pseudo code. The calculation of size of a memcg
    is still not very well baked here yet. I am working on it and I plan
    to have a patch based on Roman's v9 "mm, oom: cgroup-aware OOM killer"

    struct mem_cgroup *memcg = root_mem_cgroup;
    struct mem_cgroup *selected_memcg = root_mem_cgroup;
    struct mem_cgroup *low_memcg;
    unsigned long low_priority;
    unsigned long prev_badness = memcg_oom_badness(memcg); // Roman's code

    low_memcg = NULL;
    low_priority = ULONG_MAX;

    for_each_child_of_memcg(it, memcg) {
    unsigned long prio = it->oom_priority;
    unsigned long badness = 0;

    if (it->bypass_oom && !it->oom_group &&
    memcg_has_children(it)) {
    list_add(&it->oom_queue, &queue);

    if (prio > low_priority)

    if (prio == low_priority) {
    badness = mem_cgroup_usage(it); // for
    simplicity, need more thinking
    if (badness < prev_badness)

    low_memcg = it;
    low_priority = prio;
    prev_badness = badness ?: mem_cgroup_usage(it); //
    for simplicity
    if (!list_empty(&queue)) {
    memcg = list_last_entry(&queue, struct mem_cgroup, oom_queue);
    goto next;
    if (low_memcg) {
    selected_memcg = memcg = low_memcg;
    prev_badness = 0;
    if (!low_memcg->oom_group)
    goto next_level;
    if (selected_memcg->oom_group)

     \ /
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