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    SubjectRe: [PATCH v11 09/10] genirq/msi: map/unmap the MSI doorbells on msi_domain_alloc/free_irqs
    Hi Thomas,

    On 26/07/2016 11:00, Thomas Gleixner wrote:
    > B1;2802;0cEric,
    > On Mon, 25 Jul 2016, Auger Eric wrote:
    >> On 20/07/2016 11:04, Thomas Gleixner wrote:
    >>> On Tue, 19 Jul 2016, Eric Auger wrote:
    >>>> + if (ret) {
    >>>> + for (; i >= 0; i--) {
    >>>> + struct irq_data *d = irq_get_irq_data(virq + i);
    >>>> +
    >>>> + msi_handle_doorbell_mappings(d, false);
    >>>> + }
    >>>> + irq_domain_free_irqs(virq, desc->nvec_used);
    >>>> + desc->irq = 0;
    >>>> + goto error;
    >>> How is that supposed to work? You clear desc->irq and then you call
    >>> ops->handle_error.
    >> if I don't clear the desc->irq I enter an infinite loop in
    >> pci_enable_msix_range.
    >> This happens because msix_capability_init and pcie_enable_msix returns 1.
    >> In msix_capability_init, at out_avail: we enumerate the msi_desc which have
    >> a non zero irq, hence the returned value equal to 1.
    >> Currently the only handle_error ops I found, pci_msi_domain_handle_error
    >> does not use irq field so works although questionable.
    > The logic here is: If the allocation does not succeed for the requested number
    > of interrupts, we tell the caller how many interrupts we were able to set up.
    > So the caller can decide what to do.
    > In your case you don't want to have a partial allocation, so instead of
    > playing silly games with desc->irq you should add a flag which tells the PCI
    > code that you are not interested in a partial allocation and that it should
    > return an error code instead.

    In that case can we consider we even succeeded in allocating 1 MSI? In case the
    IOMMU mapping fails, the MSI transaction will never reach the target MSI frame
    so it is not usable. So when you mean "partial" I understand we did not succeed
    in allocating maxvec IRQs, correct? Here we succeeded in allocating 0 IRQ and still
    msi_capability_init returns 1.

    msi_capability_init doc-comment says "a positive return value indicates the number of
    interrupts which could have been allocated."

    I understand allocation success currently only depends on the fact virq was allocated
    and set to desc->irq. But with that IOMMU stuff doesn't the criteria changes?

    > Something like PCI_DEV_FLAGS_MSI_NO_PARTIAL_ALLOC should do the trick.
    >> As for the irq_domain_free_irqs I think I can remove it since handled later.
    > Not only the free_irqs(). You should let the teardown function handle
    > everything including your doorbell mapping teardown. It's nothing special and
    > free_msi_irqs() at the end of msix_capability_init() will take care of it.
    Yep I was forced to call free_irqs myself since free_msi_irqs was doing nothing
    due the fact I resetted the irq field. Wrong thing loop ;-)



    > Thanks,
    > tglx

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