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SubjectRe: Variant symlink filesystem
On 2016-03-11 11:20, Cole wrote:
> Hi,
> I have written a Variant Symlink Filesystem for linux, currently
> implemented as a kernel module:
> The code was written for the 3.x kernel.
> I would like to try to get this included into the linux kernel, and am
> willing to hand over all copyright and change the license as needed.
> As such, I would like to know what I can do to try to make this
> happen.
The first two steps for this to happen are making sure it works on newer
kernels (I haven't looked in-depth at your code, but there are not
likely to be many changes needed to get it working on 4.4.x assuming you
have it working already on late 3.x cycle kernels), and then get it
converted to an in-tree module (this also shouldn't be too difficult
either, once you figure out which tree to base it on and where to put it
in the source tree).

Once you get to that point, read through Documentation/SubmittingPatches
and follow the steps there. Aside from what's there, you'll probably
want to include a couple of well described test cases.

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  Last update: 2016-03-11 18:21    [W:0.145 / U:0.580 seconds]
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