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SubjectRe: [PATCH v10 5/5] Watchdog: ARM SBSA Generic Watchdog half timeout panic support
Fu Wei wrote:
> sorry, are you saying : using pre-timeout instead of this half timeout?
> But even we have pre-timeout support, pre-timeout == timeout / 2, it
> can not be configured without touch timeout.
> if you want pre-timeout != timeout / 2, we have to modify WCV in the
> interrupt routine.
> (because of the explicit watchdog refresh mechanism)
> Could you let me know why we need pre-timeout here ??:-)

What I meant was that if we had full-blown pre-timeout support in the
watchdog layer, then you could use that to implement the
panic-on-half-timeout feature.

When pre-timeout is implemented, will you modify the interrupt handler
to use it?

>> >belong upstream. But like I said, it's just my opinion, and I won't
>> >complain if I'm outvoted.
> I think this debugging feature is the purpose of the two-stage
> watchdog, if I understand correctly

Hmmm... that make sense. I think maybe you should drop the Kconfig
option, and just have "static bool panic_enabled = false;" Also, then
do this:

if (panic_enabled) {
ret = devm_request_irq(dev, irq, sbsa_gwdt_interrupt, 0,
pdev->name, gwdt);
if (ret) {
dev_err(dev, "unable to request IRQ %d\n", irq);
return ret;

That way, the interrupt handler is never registered if the command-line
parameter is not specified.

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  Last update: 2016-02-03 19:01    [W:2.408 / U:0.056 seconds]
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