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    SubjectRe: [RFC] A first shot at asciidoc-based formatted docs
    On Tue, 26 Jan 2016, Jonathan Corbet <> wrote:
    > So here is a proof-of-concept series showing how a fully asciidoc-based
    > toolchain might work. Lots of hackery here, this isn't meant to be applied
    > to anything at this point, but it's a good start. What this series has is:
    > - Jani Nikula's patch adding asciidoc output to kernel-doc. Thanks for
    > doing this! It was the kickstart that was needed to get this process
    > going.

    Hooray! :)

    > - Tweak docproc to handle asciidoc template files. If a template ends in
    > ".adt", it's an asciidoc template; it's processed pretty much the same
    > way, except that kernel-doc gets the -asciidoc argument.
    > - Bash on the Makefile to get it to process asciidoc templates into HTML.
    > Naturally this was where most of the time got spent. *Only* HTML output
    > works at the moment.
    > - Convert tracepoints.html to tpoint.adt as a proof of concept. It works,
    > and the output is much pleasing, IMO.
    > I'm sure there's a thousand details to deal with, and there is the issue of
    > the other output formats. asciidoctor claims to be able to create man
    > pages, but I've not tried that yet; neither tool will do PDF. Maybe we
    > could rely on pandoc to do that. Otherwise, getting to asciidoc to XML is
    > straightforward, so it should be possible to use xmlto as is done now.
    > It's all in the doc/asciidoc branch of git:// if
    > anybody wants to mess with it.
    > Comments?

    I'm afraid we've done some overlapping work in the mean time, but I'm
    happy we've both looked at the tool chain, and can have a more
    meaningful conversation now.

    I first took roughly the same approach as you did. I was really
    impressed with the speed and the beauty of the produced HTML. The
    trouble is, neither asciidoc nor asciidoctor can produce chunked (split
    to several pages) HTML directly. This is a showstopper for the gpu
    document which turns into 1.3 MB of HTML, which looks pretty but is a
    paint to navigate. To do chunked output, you have to output DocBook and
    handle that like we do now. So while I would like to have asciidoc
    generate HTML directly for speed and beauty, I ended up going the
    asciidoc to DocBook path. The upside is all the output formats are

    (We could of course split the source documents, but then I believe we'd
    have lots of trouble cross-referencing between the documents. I could be
    proven wrong. I'd *like* to be proven wrong.)

    One significant difference between our approaches is that I ditched
    docproc out of the equation. Instead of having the docproc ! directives
    in the asciidoc, I opted for using asciidoc's native include macro, with
    specially crafted filename suffixes to specify what parts of the source
    to include. Those files are then generated as intermediate asciidoc
    files using kernel-doc, with dependencies set right. There's a bunch of
    scripting involved, but it's pretty straight forward.

    So you'd have, for example,


    to include all the exported functions, or


    to include the DOC: section. I think I'd like some version of this,
    regardless of whether asciidoc generates HTML or DocBook. It lets make
    parallelize all of kernel-doc processing for free, which is a big win.

    Patches follow, also available in kernel-asciidoc branch of
    git:// (web interface


    Jani Nikula (10):
    kernel-doc: rewrite usage description, remove duplicated comments
    kernel-doc: add support for asciidoc output
    kernel-doc: support printing exported and non-exported symbols
    kernel-doc: add support for printing DOC: comments with escaped names
    scripts: add asciidoc-includes to extract includes from asciidoc
    scripts: add a kernel-doc helper for special invocation
    scripts: add tool for generating asciidoc dependencies and rules
    scripts: add a crude converter from DocBook tmpl to asciidoc
    Documentation: convert gpu.tmpl to gpu.txt
    Documentation: build asciidoc documentation

    Documentation/DocBook/Makefile | 37 +-
    Documentation/DocBook/gpu.tmpl | 3499 ----------------------------------------
    Documentation/DocBook/gpu.txt | 1183 ++++++++++++++
    scripts/asciidoc-includes | 6 +
    scripts/kernel-doc | 365 ++++-
    scripts/kernel-doc-deps | 66 +
    scripts/kernel-doc-helper | 70 +
    scripts/tmpl2asciidoc | 39 +
    8 files changed, 1709 insertions(+), 3556 deletions(-)
    delete mode 100644 Documentation/DocBook/gpu.tmpl
    create mode 100644 Documentation/DocBook/gpu.txt
    create mode 100755 scripts/asciidoc-includes
    create mode 100755 scripts/kernel-doc-deps
    create mode 100755 scripts/kernel-doc-helper
    create mode 100755 scripts/tmpl2asciidoc


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      Last update: 2016-01-26 13:21    [W:6.155 / U:0.020 seconds]
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