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    SubjectRe: [PATCH V7 3/6] i2c: qup: Transfer each i2c_msg in i2c_msgs without a stop bit

    > "If this is the last message in a group, it is followed by a STOP.
    > Otherwise it is followed by the next @i2c_msg transaction segment,
    > beginning with a (repeated) START"

    This is correct.

    > So the expectation is that there is no 'STOP' bit inbetween individual
    > i2c_msg segments with repeated 'START'. The QUP i2c hardware has no way
    > to inform that there should not be a 'STOP' at the end of transaction.
    > The only way to implement this is to coalesce all the i2c_msg in i2c_msgs
    > in to one transaction and transfer them. Adding the support for the same.

    So, there will not be a REP_START condition on the bus? I am sorry to
    say that I can't accept this. A REP_START is a REP_START and nothing
    else. There are devices which will get confused if there is no real
    REP_START condition.

    Without knowing the HW in detail, can't you implement I2C_M_NOSTART and
    let the touchscreen driver use it via regmap? That would be the proper
    way (from what I understand).



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