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SubjectRe: Please remove commit 6609b638353c99c5736e05abd17197f1cb776e0e as it makes me feel miserable
On Sun, Sep 13, 2015 at 08:06:02PM -0300, Diego Viola wrote:
> Hello,
> Can someone please remove this commit from the repo:
> I made a huge grammar mistake in my commit message that I can't
> forget, it makes me feel terrible and I can't stop thinking about it.
> Please rewrite the history for the README or whatever, but just make
> this commit go away.
> It should have been spelled as:
> "README: GTK+ is an acronym"
> or
> "README: GTK+ is an initialism"
> But saying "a acronym" is just wrong.
> Thanks and sorry about this mistake, English isn't my native language. :-(
> Diego

If it is any consolation, almost everybody makes mistakes in commit
messages. I certainly do, but fortunately many of mine will never
be public. As a native English speaker, 'a acronym' is perfectly
understandable (but 'an initialism' is slightly odd). But once it
is committed and made public, it is done.

The content of your change is correct. Thanks for fixing it. In
future, perhaps do what I try to do - for commit messages themselves,
review before the next commit, and if necessary git commit --amend.
For email subjects, try to review before sending (I fail on both of

What's done is done, and the kernel *is* better for your
contribution. It is said that in the early days of the kernel there
was a war between those who could spell and those who could not.
Please, don't worry about grammar - as long as the text can be
understood, there is no problem.

Il Porcupino Nil Sodomy Est! (if you will excuse my latatian)
aka "The hedgehog song"

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  Last update: 2015-09-14 02:41    [W:0.064 / U:0.052 seconds]
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