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SubjectRe: [git pull] vfs part 2
On Thu, Jul 2, 2015 at 11:40 AM, Al Viro <> wrote:
> All they are used for is matching response to request. Basically, you
> can have up to 65535 pending requests. Reusing it right after getting
> the response is fine.

Reusing a tag right after getting the completion may be fine in
theory, but it still sounds like a bad idea. Sure, it's used to match
the command with the reply, but using those kinds of things for
matching re-sends and to index into various "current data structures"
is also very common (not having looked at p9 I don't know how much it
does), and basically reusing tags "soon" tends to make those kidns of
things fragile.

Which can easily turn a "this _should_ work" into "it doesn't
_actually_ work" just because it ends up making things like race
conditions and re-ordering of replies trigger worse behavior. For
example, things like "done with previous command X" and "now starting
new command X" - if the tag is the same and those *independent*
messages get re-ordered, the tag just failed in what it was supposed
to do.

So circular allocators are likely a good idea even if there are other
layers that should handle retransmits etc.

So it does sound like it would be better to use a circular tag
allocator rather than a "lowest tag first" allocator.


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  Last update: 2015-07-02 21:41    [W:0.190 / U:0.096 seconds]
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