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    SubjectRe: Compilers and RCU readers: Once more unto the breach!
    On Tue, May 19, 2015 at 5:55 PM, Paul E. McKenney
    <> wrote:

    From a very quick read-through, the restricted dependency chain in 7.9
    seems to be reasonable, and essentially covers "thats' what hardware
    gives us anyway", making compiler writers happy.

    I would clarify the language somewhat:

    - it says that the result of a cast of a pointer is a dependency. You
    need to make an exception for casting to bool, methinks (because
    that's effectively just a test-against-NULL, which you later describe
    as terminating the dependency).

    Maybe get rid of the "any type", and just limit it to casts to
    types of size intptr_t, ie ones that don't drop significant bits. All
    the other rules talk about [u]intptr_t anyway.

    - you clarify that the trivial "& 0" and "| ~0" kill the dependency
    chain, but if you really want to be a stickler, you might want to
    extend it to a few more cases. Things like "& 1" (to extract a tag
    from the lot bit of a tagged pointer) should likely also drop the
    dependency, since a compiler would commonly end up using the end
    result as a conditional even if the code was written to then use
    casting etc to look like a dereference.

    - the "you can add/subtract integral values" still opens you up to
    language lawyers claiming "(char *)ptr - (intptr_t)ptr" preserving the
    dependency, which it clearly doesn't. But language-lawyering it does,
    since all those operations (cast to pointer, cast to integer,
    subtracting an integer) claim to be dependency-preserving operations.

    So I think you want to limit the logical operators to things that
    don't mask off too many bits, and you should probably limit the
    add/subtract operations some way (maybe specify that the integer value
    you add/subtract cannot be related to the pointer). But I think
    limiting it to mostly pointer ops (and a _few_ integer operations to
    do offsets and remove tag bits) is otherwise a good approach.


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