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SubjectRe: [PATCH 1/2] sched: lockless wake-queues
>> Is there some reason you don't use the simpler singly-linked list
>> construction with the tail being a pointer to a pointer:

> Sure, that would also work.

It's just a convenient simplification, already used in struct hlist_node.

>> +/*
>> + * Queue a task for later wake-up by wake_up_q(). If the task is already
>> + * queued by someone else, leave it to them to deliver the wakeup.
> This is already commented in the cmpxchg.
>> + *
>> + * This property makes it impossible to guarantee the order of wakeups,
>> + * but for efficiency we try to deliver wakeups in the order tasks
>> + * are added.
> Ok.

This is just me thinking "out loud" about the semantics.

>> It may also be worth commenting the fact that wake_up_q() leaves the
>> struct wake_q_head in a corrupt state, so don't try to do it again.

> Right, we could re-init the list once the loop is complete, yes. But it
> shouldn't matter due to how we use wake-queues.

Oh, indeed, there's no point. Unless it's worth a debugging option,
but as you say the usage patterns are such that I don't expect it's

It just seemed worth commenting explicitly.

If I were going to comment it, here's what I'd write. Feel free
to copy any or none of this:

* Wake-queues are lists of tasks about to be woken up.
* Deferring the wakeup is useful when the waker is waking up multiple
* tasks while holding a lock which the woken tasks will need, so they'd
* go straight into a wait queue anyway.
* So instead, the the waker can wake_q_add(&q, task) under the lock,
* and then wake_up_q(&q) afterward.
* The list head is allocated on the waker's stack, and the queue nodes
* are preallocated as part of the task struct.
* A reference to each task (get_task_struct()) is held during the wait,
* so the list will remain valid through wake_up_q().
* One per task suffices, because there's never a need for a task to be
* in two wake queues simultaneously; it is forbidden to abandon a task
* in a wake queue (a call to wake_up_q() _must_ follow), so if a task is
* already in a wake queue, the wakeup will happen soon and the second
* waker can just skip it.
* As with all Linux wakeup primitives, there is no guarantee about the
* order, but this code tries to wake tasks in wake_q_add order.
* The WAKE_Q macro declares and initializes the list head.
* wake_up_q() does NOT reinitialize the list; it's expected to be
* called near the end of a function, where the fact that the queue is
* not used again will be easy to see by inspection.

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  Last update: 2015-04-21 04:21    [W:0.027 / U:0.224 seconds]
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